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ANA7087 CA A biological investigation of the Caloosahatchee Estuary
of Florida / ANL9652 CA Shinnecock Inlet, New York, site investigation. ANP8950 CA Annual review of earth and planetary sciences. ANP8950 CA Annual review of earth and planetary sciences. ANQ7116 CA Annual review of fluid mechanics. ALR9399 HB The American naturalist. AMH6778 HB Multi-species recovery plan for the threatened and endangered species of south Florida / AMJ5281 HB Cyperaceae newsletter. AMQ9183 HB Catalogue of New World grasses (Poaceae) : ANR7430 HB Catalogue of New World grasses (Poaceae) : APK5735 HB Catalogue of New World grasses (Poaceae). APN1351 HB Catalogue of New World grasses (Poaceae). ABU8262 HC Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics. ABU8262 HC Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics. ABU8268 HC The Nurse practitioner. ABU8274 HC Science. ABU8274 HC Science. ABU8278 HC Western journal of nursing research. ABU8285 HC Peptides. ABU8289 HC Biology of reproduction. ABU8292 HC Journal of health and human behavior. ABU8302 HC Annual review of physical chemistry. ABU8306 HC Issues in comprehensive pediatric nursing. ABU8306 HC Issues in comprehensive pediatric nursing. ABU8314 HC The Journal of the American Dental Association. ABU8324 HC British journal of clinical pharmacology. ABU8324 HC British journal of clinical pharmacology. ABU8342 HC Cytogenetics and cell genetics. ABU8344 HC Progress in biophysics and molecular biology. ABU8364 HC British journal of plastic surgery. ABU8373 HC Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews. ABU8387 HC The American nurse. ABU8403 HC The American journal of medicine. ABU8407 HC The lancet. ABU8427 HC Xenobiotica. ABU8427 HC Xenobiotica. ABU8432 HC FDA consumer. ABU8435 HC Aquaculture. ABU8478 HC Connective tissue research. ABU8478 HC Connective tissue research. ABU8487 HC Clinical and experimental pharmacology & physiology. ABU8487 HC Clinical and experimental pharmacology & physiology. ABU8490 HC Human pathology. ABU8524 HC Health services research. ABU8525 HC Physiological reviews. ABU8534 HC Differentiation. ABU8534 HC Differentiation. ABU8543 HC Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology. ABU8547 HC Clinica chimica acta. ABU8548 HC Analytical chemistry. ABU8558 HC Annual review of physiology. ABU8559 HC Laboratory primate newsletter. ABU8595 HC Biochemical and biophysical research communications. ABU8598 HC Journal of experimental child psychology. ABU8611 HC Quarterly reviews of biophysics. ABU8621 HC Biophysical chemistry. ABU8632 HC The Journal of prosthetic dentistry. ABU8636 HC Drug metabolism and disposition ABU8639 HC Bioorganic chemistry. ABU8640 HC Analytical biochemistry. ABU8641 HC Experimental brain research. ABU8654 HC Preventive medicine. ABU8657 HC Nature. ABU8688 HC British journal of medical psychology. ABU8702 HC Marine pollution bulletin. ABU8707 HC Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. ABU8719 HC The American journal of pathology. ABU8725 HC Neuroscience letters. ABU8741 HC Tetrahedron letters. ABU8756 HC Research in experimental medicine. ABU8769 HC Pediatric nephrology. ABU8787 HC Journal of chromatography. ABU8788 HC Neurotoxicology. ABU8793 HC Pharmacology, biochemistry and behavior. ABU8796 HC Archives of oral biology. ABU8826 HC Journal of emergency nursing : ABU8827 HC Molecular and cellular endocrinology. ABU8849 HC Acta psychologica. ABU8858 HC Pediatrics. ABU8868 HC Drug metabolism reviews. ABU8874 HC Andrologia. ABU8874 HC Andrologia. ABU8877 HC British journal of cancer. ABU8894 HC Pharmaceutica acta Helvetiae. ABU8906 HC Annual review of nutrition. ABU8913 HC The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. ABU8919 HC Journal of drug issues. ABU8937 HC FEBS letters. ABU8965 HC Journal of psychosomatic research. ABU8971 HC Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. ABU8982 HC Vision research. ABU8984 HC Transfusion. ABU8984 HC Transfusion. ABU8997 HC International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics. ABU9011 HC Progress in neurobiology. ABU9014 HC Neuropsychologia. ABU9016 HC Gynecologic and obstetric investigation. ABU9038 HC The Journal of pediatrics. ABU9071 HC Forensic science international. ABU9072 HC Experimental neurology. ABU9083 HC Journal of the American Dietetic Association. ABU9095 HC Prostaglandins. ABU9108 HC BMJ : ABU9117 HC Gerontology. ABU9121 HC Developmental neuroscience. ABU9129 HC General pharmacology. ABU9136 HC Acta orthopaedica Scandinavica. ABU9136 HC Acta orthopaedica Scandinavica. ABU9155 HC Thrombosis research. ABU9160 HC Research in veterinary science. ABU9165 HC Biological psychology. ABU9168 HC American zoologist. ABU9168 HC American zoologist. ABU9193 HC Monatsschrift fur Kinderheilkunde. ABU9210 HC British journal of urology. ABU9228 HC Acta neuropathologica. ABU9257 HC PACE. Pacing and clinical electrophysiology. ABU9257 HC PACE. Pacing and clinical electrophysiology. ABU9286 HC Pharmacology. ABU9293 HC International journal of immunopharmacology. ABU9296 HC Journal of oral rehabilitation. ABU9296 HC Journal of oral rehabilitation. ABU9335 HC Biochemical pharmacology. ABU9337 HC The Physician and sportsmedicine. ABU9349 HC Postgraduate medicine. ABU9370 HC European journal of pharmacology. ABU9400 HC Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. ABU9408 HC The Angle orthodontist. ABU9414 HC Canadian journal of surgery. ABU9419 HC Clinical immunology and immunopathology. ABU9423 HC American journal of obstetrics and gynecology. ABU9441 HC Journal of ethnopharmacology. ABU9473 HC The American journal of gastroenterology. ABU9473 HC The American journal of gastroenterology. ABU9484 HC European neurology. ABU9485 HC Perspectives in biology and medicine. ABU9490 HC Laboratory investigation. ABU9521 HC Rehabilitation counseling bulletin. ABU9535 HC Ophthalmologica. ABU9542 HC Journal of periodontal research. ABU9547 HC The Journal of clinical endocrinology & metabolism. ABU9555 HC Experimental cell research. ABU9570 HC Annals of tropical medicine and parasitology. ABU9593 HC Annual review of neuroscience. ABU9619 HC Japanese journal of ophthalmology. ABU9619 HC Japanese journal of ophthalmology. ABU9625 HC The Western journal of medicine. ABU9628 HC Journal of health and social behavior. ABU9644 HC Surgery. ABU9649 HC General and comparative endocrinology. ABU9679 HC Journal of dentistry. ABU9693 HC Journal of forensic sciences. ABU9699 HC Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology. ABU9701 HC Thorax. ABU9706 HC Pflugers Archiv; ABU9711 HC Journal of the Chemical Society. ABU9719 HC The Journal of endocrinology. ABU9723 HC Pediatric radiology. ABU9725 HC Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases. ABU9725 HC Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases. ABU9728 HC Journal of microscopy. ABU9728 HC Journal of microscopy. ABU9741 HC Annals of internal medicine. ABU9748 HC Cell and tissue research. ABU9756 HC The Journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry. ABU9763 HC Cardiovascular and interventional radiology. ABU9766 HC Atherosclerosis. ABU9785 HC Metabolism, clinical and experimental. ABU9789 HC Nurse educator. ABU9790 HC Behaviour research and therapy. ABU9800 HC Journal of advanced nursing. ABU9800 HC Journal of advanced nursing. ABU9809 HC Computers in biology and medicine. ABU9816 HC Australian occupational therapy journal. ABU9816 HC Australian occupational therapy journal. ABU9836 HC Neuroradiology. ABU9860 HC Journal of organic chemistry. ABU9872 HC Children's health care. ABU9889 HC Journal of natural products. ABU9897 HC Medical journal of Australia. ABU9902 HC Annual review of biochemistry. ABU9913 HC Teratology. ABU9921 HC European journal of biochemistry. ABU9921 HC European journal of biochemistry. ABU9947 HC Journal of neurochemistry. ABU9947 HC Journal of neurochemistry. ABU9951 HC Acta dermato-venereologica. ABU9951 HC Acta dermato-venereologica. ABV0023 HC Caries research. ABV0028 HC The Histochemical journal. ABV0030 HC Environmental research. ABV0037 HC International journal of dermatology. ABV0037 HC International journal of dermatology. ABV0066 HC Scandinavian journal of immunology. ABV0066 HC Scandinavian journal of immunology. ABV0089 HC European journal of clinical pharmacology. ABV0091 HC Journal of personality assessment. ABV0094 HC International journal of nursing studies. ABV0100 HC Journal of medicinal chemistry. ABV0105 HC Archives of biochemistry and biophysics. ABV0107 HC Psychosomatics. ABV0112 HC Clinical psychology review. ABV0123 HC Emergency medicine. ABV0141 HC CA. ABV0142 HC Child development. ABV0142 HC Child development. ABV0146 HC Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology. ABV0149 HC Annals of emergency medicine. ABV0155 HC Behavior modification. ABV0161 HC Cellular immunology. ABV0162 HC The Quarterly review of biology. ABV0163 HC Community dentistry and oral epidemiology. ABV0163 HC Community dentistry and oral epidemiology. ABV0172 HC Releve epidemiologique hebdomadaire. ABV0179 HC Neuroscience. ABV0189 HC New Zealand veterinary journal. ABV0190 HC Journal of molecular evolution. ABV0213 HC Issues in mental health nursing. ABV0213 HC Issues in mental health nursing. ABV0226 HC European journal of clinical investigation. ABV0226 HC European journal of clinical investigation. ABV0234 HC Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology. ABV0238 HC Brain and language. ABV0249 HC European urology. ABV0249 HC European urology. ABV0262 HC Public health. ABV0266 HC Molecular pharmacology. ABV0275 HC Toxicology. ABV0277 HC Vox sanguinis. ABV0277 HC Vox sanguinis. ABV0277 HC Vox sanguinis. ABV0284 HC Chemico-biological interactions. ABV0288 HC Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica. ABV0288 HC Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica. ABV0293 HC British dental journal. ABV0296 HC The British journal of clinical psychology. ABV0297 HC The Annals of thoracic surgery. ABV0322 HC Biochemistry. ABV0334 HC Inquiry. ABV0337 HC Endocrinology. ABV0338 HC The American heart journal. ABV0346 HC Journal of lipid research. ABV0358 HC Developmental biology. ABV0363 HC Psychological medicine. ABV0373 HC Virology. ABV0376 HC Contact dermatitis. ABV0376 HC Contact dermatitis. ABV0384 HC Journal of general virology. ABV0394 HC Veterinary parasitology. ABV0411 HC Clinical genetics. ABV0411 HC Clinical genetics. ABV0414 HC Experimental eye research. ABV0441 HC Development, growth & differentiation. ABV0441 HC Development, growth & differentiation. ABV0444 HC American journal of physiology. ABV0466 HC Nursing outlook. ABV0472 HC Nursing management. ABV0491 HC Journal of allergy and clinical immunology. ABV0498 HC Parasitology. ABV0501 HC Brain research. ABV0516 HC Food and chemical toxicology : ABV0517 HC Journal of perinatal medicine. ABV0527 HC Diabetologia. ABV0535 HC Annual review of psychology. ABV0544 HC Family planning perspectives. ABV0549 HC Bio systems. ABV0550 HC Family & community health. ABV0566 HC The Journal of investigative dermatology. ABV0569 HC Biochimica et biophysica acta. ABV0579 HC Current problems in pediatrics. ABV0580 HC Scandinavian journal of clinical & laboratory investigation. ABV0580 HC Scandinavian journal of clinical & laboratory investigation. ABV0593 HC Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology. ABV0610 HC Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. ABV0635 HC Monthly vital statistics report : ABV0639 HC Acta oto-laryngologica. ABV0639 HC Acta oto-laryngologica. ABV0647 HC International digest of health legislation. ABV0652 HC Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry. ABV0655 HC Journal of bone and joint surgery. ABV0666 HC Psychophysiology. ABV0666 HC Psychophysiology. ABV0671 HC Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. ABV0673 HC Endocrine reviews. ABV0678 HC The Journal of medicine and philosophy. ABV0716 HC Molecular immunology. ABV0724 HC Journal of biomechanics. ABV0725 HC Annual review of microbiology. ABV0755 HC Genetics. ABV0763 HC Clin-alert. ABV0773 HC Journal of medical primatology. ABV0773 HC Journal of medical primatology. ABV0782 HC The Laryngoscope. ABV0783 HC Bulletin of the World Health Organization. ABV0786 HC Early human development. ABV0792 HC Toxicology and applied pharmacology. ABV0806 HC Tissue & cell. ABV0822 HC Social science & medicine. ABV0830 HC Progress in cardiovascular diseases. ABV0837 HC Pharmacological reviews. ABV0848 HC Clinical pharmacokinetics. ABV0855 HC The International journal of psycho-analysis. ABV0879 HC Trends in biochemical sciences. ABV0883 HC Drugs. ABV0908 HC Plasmid. ABV0943 HC Journal of medical microbiology. ABV0945 HC Journal of the neurological sciences. ABV0952 HC Archives of dermatological research. ABV0960 HC Acta physiologica Scandinavica. ABV0960 HC Acta physiologica Scandinavica. ABV0967 HC Acta neurochirurgica. ABV0981 HC The American journal of surgery. ABV0990 HC Australian and New Zealand journal of obstetrics and gynaecology. ABV0994 HC The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse. ABV1016 HC Epilepsia. ABV1016 HC Epilepsia. ABV1034 HC Journal of pediatric surgery. ABV1043 HC American family physician. ABV1045 HC The Journal of neuroscience . ABV1057 HC Anatomy and embryology. ABV1066 HC Physiology & behavior. ABV1072 HC Bulletin of the history of medicine. ABV1107 HC Journal of clinical periodontology. ABV1123 HC Modern healthcare. ABV1143 HC Proceedings / ABV1146 HC The Journal of surgical research. ABV1156 HC Journal of psychiatric research. ABV1160 HC Calcified tissue international. ABV1212 HC Trends in neurosciences. ABV1215 HC Computers and biomedical research. ABV1218 HC Brain research reviews. ABV1244 HC Current problems in surgery. ABV1261 HC AJR, American journal of roentgenology. ABV1265 HC Pathology, research and practice. ABV1287 HC Veterinary immunology and immunopathology. ABV1317 HC Journal of inorganic biochemistry. ABV1319 HC World journal of surgery. ABV1320 HC Oncology. ABV1321 HC Human development. ABV1323 HC American journal of human genetics. ABV1326 HC Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism. ABV1334 HC Heart & lung. ABV1344 HC Tetrahedron. ABV1347 HC Journal of chemical information and computer sciences. ABV1359 HC Biological psychiatry. ABV1371 HC Annual review of medicine. ABV1372 HC Psychopharmacology. ABV1382 HC Transplantation proceedings. ABV1383 HC The Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine. ABV1404 HC Phytochemistry. ABV1419 HC Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology : ABV1444 HC Hormones and behavior. ABV1445 HC Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. ABV1445 HC Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. ABV1454 HC Journal of comparative pathology. ABV1462 HC The Journal of hand surgery. ABV1465 HC The proceedings of the Nutrition Society. ABV1469 HC The American journal of cardiology. ABV1508 HC Progress in lipid research. ABV1515 HC Psychoneuroendocrinology. ABV1516 HC Clinical and experimental immunology. ABV1516 HC Clinical and experimental immunology. ABV1521 HC British journal of obstetrics and gynaecology. ABV1535 HC Journal of neurophysiology. ABV1543 HC European journal of pediatrics. ABV1565 HC Pharmacology & therapeutics. ABV1602 HC Acta odontologica scandinavica. ABV1602 HC Acta odontologica scandinavica. ABV1605 HC Annals of human genetics. ABV1605 HC Annals of human genetics. ABV1616 HC Cardiovascular research. ABV1625 HC Medical education. ABV1625 HC Medical education. ABV1629 HC Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic. ABV1634 HC Gynecologic oncology. ABV1640 HC International endodontic journal. ABV1640 HC International endodontic journal. ABV1643 HC American medical news. ABV1645 HC Morbidity and mortality weekly report : ABV1650 HC The British journal of nutrition. ABV1656 HC The Japanese journal of pharmacology : ABV1661 HC Journal of toxicology and environmental health. ABV1677 HC Respiration. ABV1687 HC The Journal of physiology. ABV1697 HC Theriogenology. ABV1701 HC Cell. ABV1759 HC Journal of child psychology and psychiatry and allied disciplines. ABV1759 HC Journal of child psychology and psychiatry and allied disciplines. ABV1772 HC Experimental gerontology. ABV1780 HC International journal of cardiology. ABV1789 HC Experimental hematology. ABV1790 HC Immunological reviews. ABV1790 HC Immunological reviews. ABV1798 HC Veterinary microbiology. ABV1826 HC Journal of the American Chemical Society. ABV1834 HC Mechanisms of ageing and development. ABV1838 HC Nursing administration quarterly. ABV1867 HC Journal of nurse-midwifery. ABV1890 HC The Journal of membrane biology. ABV1897 HC Nursing research. ABV1911 HC Neuropharmacology. ABV1928 HC Animal behaviour. ABV1937 HC Transplantation. ABV1946 HC Mathematical biosciences. ABV1952 HC The British journal of psychology. ABV1957 HC Journal of chromatographic science. ABV1965 HC Journal of medical genetics. ABV1975 HC Life sciences. ABV1979 HC Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery. ABV1990 HC Physics in medicine & biology. ABV2002 HC Archives of toxicology = ABV2028 HC Skeletal radiology. ABV2031 HC Neuroendocrinology. ABV2034 HC Archives of virology. ABV2046 HC Biochimie. ABV2052 HC Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. ABV2052 HC Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. ABV2061 HC Journal of immunological methods. ABV2069 HC Mutation research. ABV2071 HC Cancer treatment reviews. ABV2072 HC Annual review of genetics. ABV2078 HC Veterinary research communications. ABV2079 HC Laboratory animals. ABV2090 HC Biology of the neonate. ABV2108 HC Human genetics. ABV2136 HC Respiration physiology. ABV2141 HC Immunology. ABV2141 HC Immunology. ABV2154 HC British journal of pharmacology. ABV2167 HC The Journal of infectious diseases. ABV2169 HC Journal of reproduction and fertility. ABW9404 HC Appetite. ABW9408 HC The EMBO journal. ABW9409 HC Gene. ABW9410 HC Geriatric nursing. ABW9411 HC Hepatology : ABW9411 HC Hepatology : ABW9417 HC Regulatory peptides. ABW9422 HC Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. ABW9427 HC Maturitas. ABW9430 HC Journal of cutaneous pathology. ABW9442 HC Journal of neuroscience methods. ABW9526 HC Investigative radiology. ABW9532 HC Preventive veterinary medicine. ABX5749 HC Medical hypotheses. ABX5820 HC Ophthalmic research. ABX5823 HC Scandinavian journal of rheumatology. ABX5823 HC Scandinavian journal of rheumatology. ABX5838 HC Drug and alcohol dependence. ABX5903 HC Brain research bulletin. ABX5989 HC Spine. ABX6063 HC Journal of analytical toxicology. ABX6205 HC Health, United States. ABX6368 HC Animal reproduction science. ABX6387 HC The Behavioral and brain sciences. ABX6424 HC Hearing research. ABX6536 HC Experimental lung research. ABX6536 HC Experimental lung research. ABX6698 HC Pediatric cardiology. ABX6791 HC Placenta. ABX6801 HC Parasite immunology. ABX6801 HC Parasite immunology. ABX6916 HC Medicine and science in sports and exercise. ABX7260 HC Biomaterials. ABX7310 HC Behavioural brain research. ABX7438 HC Gerontology & geriatrics education. ABX7513 HC Journal of virological methods. ABY2325 HC Advances in biochemical engineering/biotechnology. ACA0148 HC Addictive behaviors. ACA6411 HC The Journal of ambulatory care management. ACA6412 HC Cancer investigation. ACA7454 HC British journal of rheumatology. ACA7955 HC Patient education and counseling. ACB2998 HC British national formulary. ACB3932 HC Current medical diagnosis & treatment. ACB9911 HC Review of medical physiology / ACC2787 HC American journal of otolaryngology. ACC5476 HC Computers in nursing. ACC5564 HC Pediatric dermatology. ACC5564 HC Pediatric dermatology. ACC5760 HC Harrison's principles of internal medicine. ACC5886 HC National drug code directory / ACC8398 HC Ultrasound in medicine & biology. ACD1178 HC Physician assistant. ACD4050 HC Annual review of public health. ACD4426 HC American journal of nephrology. ACE0791 HC Brain and cognition. ACE0821 HC Immunology today. ACE0822 HC European journal of cell biology. ACE1417 HC Journal of the autonomic nervous system. ACE1445 HC Journal of andrology. ACE1530 HC American journal of infection control. ACE5197 HC Journal of craniofacial genetics and developmental biology. ACF5990 HC Current pediatric diagnosis & treatment. ACG2192 HC Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery. ACH3112 HC Health care for women international. ACH3112 HC Health care for women international. ACJ7919 HC Journal of community health nursing. ACJ7920 HC Journal of health politics, policy and law. ACJ7921 HC Journal of neuroimmunology. ACJ7931 HC Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis. ACJ7943 HC Pharmaceutical research. ACL9865 HC The journal of hand surgery. ACM6984 HC Journal of professional nursing. ACP7487 HC Critical reviews in oncology/hematology. ACQ3489 HC Comparative biochemistry and physiology. ACR0779 HC Hospital practice. ACR1198 HC Death studies. ACR1198 HC Death studies. ACR1199 HC Annual review of immunology. ACR5294 HC Ageing and society. ACR5295 HC Neuropeptides. ACR7101 HC Child's nervous system : ACS0737 HC NASW register of clinical social workers. ACU5860 HC Alcohol. ACU5863 HC Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology. ACU5868 HC Trends in pharmacological sciences. ACU5874 HC International journal of technology assessment in health care. ACV4046 HC Approved drug products with therapeutic equivalence evaluations. ACV4968 HC Dimensions of critical care nursing : ACW2185 HC Immunopharmacology. ACW2186 HC The Journal of hospital infection. ACW2187 HC The Journal of infection. ACW2189 HC Journal of vascular surgery. ACW2191 HC Orthopaedic nursing. ACW2192 HC Ultrasonic imaging. ACW2193 HC Trends in genetics. ACW2196 HC Arthroscopy. ACX0926 HC Biochemical medicine and metabolic biology. ACX5324 HC USP DI. ACX7796 HC International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery. ACX7796 HC International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery. ACY2904 HC Journal of orthopaedic research . ACY2905 HC Journal of clinical monitoring. ACY2906 HC Journal of controlled release. ACZ2785 HC The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation. ACZ2789 HC The Milbank quarterly. ACZ2789 HC The Milbank quarterly. ACZ6156 HC Home health care services quarterly. ACZ6160 HC Molecular and biochemical parasitology. ACZ6186 HC General hospital psychiatry. ADA2808 HC American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics. AEG4557 HC Journal of biotechnology. AEG6449 HC Antiviral research. AEG6459 HC Archives of psychiatric nursing. AEG6460 HC Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology. AEG6463 HC Journal of nursing staff development : AEG6464 HC Journal of pediatric nursing. AEH8357 HC The Journal of burn care & rehabilitation. AEJ4277 HC Parasitology research. AEJ5059 HC Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. AEJ5603 HC Leukemia. AEJ8215 HC Pharmacology & toxicology. AEJ8215 HC Pharmacology & toxicology. AEJ8328 HC Trends in biotechnology. AEK2608 HC Epidemiology and infection. AEK4243 HC Clinics in dermatology. AEK4283 HC Eye. AEK7003 HC Journal of reproductive immunology. AEK9026 HC Journal of cranio-maxillo-facial surgery AEN4026 HC Neurotoxicology and teratology. AEN6219 HC Immunology and cell biology. AEN6219 HC Immunology and cell biology. AEN8736 HC Free radical biology & medicine. AEP9342 HC The FASEB journal. AEP9816 HC Acta oncologica. AEP9816 HC Acta oncologica. AEQ3980 HC Clinical transplantation. AEQ3980 HC Clinical transplantation. AEQ4020 HC Journal of ultrasound in medicine AEQ4022 HC Oncogene. AEQ4031 HC Hybridoma. AEQ4036 HC Pediatric hematology and oncology. AEQ4036 HC Pediatric hematology and oncology. AEQ4037 HC Bone marrow transplantation. AEQ4039 HC Journal of adolescent research. AEQ4044 HC The Journal of cardiovascular nursing. AEQ4046 HC AIDS research and human retroviruses. AEQ4050 HC Cognition & emotion. AEQ4050 HC Cognition & emotion. AEQ4063 HC Dysphagia. AEQ8826 HC The Journal of perinatal & neonatal nursing. AEQ8828 HC Parasitology today. AEQ9069 HC Journal of molecular graphics. AER5244 HC Applied mathematics and computation. AES1661 HC Facial plastic surgery AEU2992 HC The American journal of emergency medicine. AEU2995 HC Annals of behavioral medicine. AEV3947 HC Prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and essential fatty acids. AEV3948 HC Current bibliographies in medicine / AEV4434 HC APMIS : AEV4434 HC APMIS : AEV8994 HC Fundamental and applied toxicology. AEV8996 HC Genes & development. AEV8998 HC Molecular endocrinology. AEV9000 HC Microbial pathogenesis. AEV9295 HC Diabetes/metabolism reviews. AEV9296 HC Chemical research in toxicology. AEW2322 HC American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation. AEW7827 HC Journal of intravenous nursing. AFA0619 HC The European respiratory journal. AFA5392 HC List of serials indexed for online users / AFA7176 HC European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases. AFD5984 HC American journal of hypertension. AFD7589 HC Diabetic medicine AFD7589 HC Diabetic medicine AFD7643 HC Genomics. AFD7647 HC Journal of biochemical toxicology. AFD7650 HC Fish physiology and biochemistry. AFD9504 HC Nursing science quarterly. AFE0595 HC Scandinavian journal of caring sciences. AFE0595 HC Scandinavian journal of caring sciences. AFE0595 HC Scandinavian journal of caring sciences. AFE5538 HC Magnetic resonance imaging. AFF1582 HC Modern pathology. AFF1586 HC Journal of sex & marital therapy. AFF1586 HC Journal of sex & marital therapy. AFG1764 HC Academic medicine : AFG3139 HC Neuron. AFH3267 HC Biomedical applications. AFH4555 HC Clinical and experimental allergy : AFH4555 HC Clinical and experimental allergy : AFJ1234 HC Pharmacological research. AFK4969 HC Annals of medicine. AFK4969 HC Annals of medicine. AFL6878 HC Brain research. AFL6879 HC Brain research. AFL6880 HC Brain research. AFM1358 HC Annual review of plant physiology and plant molecular biology. AFM1359 HC Journal of oral pathology & medicine. AFM1359 HC Journal of oral pathology & medicine. AFM2550 HC Journal of zoo and wildlife medicine. AFN8952 HC American journal of reproductive immunology. AFN8952 HC American journal of reproductive immunology. AFP0643 HC Molecular and cellular probes. AFP0649 HC Vaccine. AFP0914 HC The CLAO journal AFP0915 HC Current opinion in cell biology. AFP0916 HC Molecular neurobiology. AFP0925 HC European journal of clinical nutrition. AFP1342 HC Journal of pediatric health care. AFP3717 HC Applied nursing research : AGZ6369 HC Drug safety. AGZ6741 HC Pediatric nephrology. AGZ6774 HC Sports medicine. AGZ6775 HC Journal of clinical anesthesia. AHB0286 HC Biologicals. AHB2787 HC AHFS drug information. AHB4679 HC Pathobiology. AHC9634 HC European journal of cancer. AHD1264 HC DNA and cell biology. AHD1266 HC Journal of structural biology. AHJ1482 HC The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology. AHL5330 HC The Journal of heart and lung transplantation. AHN5457 HC Mechanisms of development. AHN5458 HC Annals of hematology. AHP2570 HC Abstracts in social gerontology. AHP2572 HC The European journal of surgery = AHP2572 HC The European journal of surgery = AHP2572 HC The European journal of surgery = AHQ4678 HC Cell proliferation. AHQ4678 HC Cell proliferation. AHY0479 HC Journal of nursing care quality. AHY6391 HC Pediatric neurosurgery. AHZ7463 HC Clinical infectious diseases AJB8228 HC PDR electronic library AJB9366 HC Acta p?iatrica. AJB9366 HC Acta p?iatrica. AJC7078 HC Dermatology AJD7104 HC International archives of allergy and immunology. AJE3910 HC Annual review of biophysics and biomolecular structure. AJE4548 HC The European journal of surgery. AJE5103 HC Diagnostic molecular pathology. AJF8289 HC Brain research. AJK7211 HC Immunology letters. AJK7217 HC Journal of perinatology. AJK7219 HC Pediatric neurology. AJK7221 HC The Journal of arthroplasty. AJK7223 HC Journal of pain and symptom management. AJK7226 HC Autoimmunity. AJK7226 HC Autoimmunity. AJK7229 HC The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences. AJK7235 HC Teaching and learning in medicine. AJK7236 HC Current opinion in immunology. AJK7238 HC Human gene therapy. AJK7239 HC Bioconjugate chemistry. AJK7243 HC Journal of neuroendocrinology. AJK7243 HC Journal of neuroendocrinology. AJK7245 HC Trends in cardiovascular medicine. AJK7248 HC Osteoporosis international. AJL2921 HC IEEE transactions on medical imaging. AJM3389 HC Journal of physiology, Paris. AJM4391 HC Journal of magnetic resonance. AJM7944 HC Journal of magnetic resonance. AJQ9009 HC Dictionary of occupational titles / AJR6255 HC International journal of obesity and related metabolic disorders : AJT3742 HC In vitro cellular & developmental biology. AJT3745 HC European journal of pharmaceutical sciences. AJV9167 HC Drugs & aging. AJV9490 HC Annals of vascular surgery. AJV9493 HC Current opinion in structural biology. AJV9495 HC Archives of family medicine. AJV9496 HC Drug delivery. AJV9496 HC Drug delivery. AJV9750 HC Current opinion in genetics & development. AJX0514 HC Microbiology. AJX1267 HC Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : AJY0011 HC European journal of endocrinology. AKF4915 HC The Journals of gerontology. AKF4916 HC The Journals of gerontology. AKF7980 HC Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology and endodontics. AKG1206 HC Journal of interferon & cytokine research AKG4412 HC Comparative biochemistry and physiology. AKG9354 HC Medical care research and review : AKG9525 HC Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes and human retrovirology : AKG9815 HC Journal of molecular medicine : AKH3799 HC European journal of oral sciences. AKH3799 HC European journal of oral sciences. AKH6473 HC Biochemical and molecular medicine. AKM7045 HC Health and psychosocial instruments AKM7332 HC Osteoarthritis and cartilage / AKM7333 HC Veterinary dermatology. AKP8734 HC Acta ophthalmologica Scandinavica. AKP8734 HC Acta ophthalmologica Scandinavica. AKQ3458 HC Dental materials. AKQ3464 HC Women's health issues. AKQ3472 HC Trends in cell biology. AKQ8994 HC Molecular and cellular neurosciences. AKQ8996 HC Current opinion in neurobiology. AKS6864 HC Antisense and nucleic acid drug development. AKT3284 HC Chromosomal variation in man : AKT7859 HC Journal of biological chemistry AKU4991 HC Kidney & blood pressure research. AKU9133 HC Journal of perianesthesia nursing. AKV5470 HC Nature biotechnology. AKV9742 HC Official journal of veterinary emergency and critical care. ALD2422 HC Ellenhorn's medical toxicology : ALD7691 HC Annals of epidemiology. ALD7692 HC Brain injury ALD7692 HC Brain injury ALD7694 HC Endocrine. ALD7695 HC Gene therapy. ALD7696 HC Immunity ALD7697 HC Journal of family nursing. ALD7698 HC Journal of health psychology. ALD7699 HC Journal of molecular modeling ALD7702 HC Mammalian genome : ALD7703 HC Molecular medicine today. ALD7704 HC Neuropsychiatry, neuropsychology, and behavioral neurology. ALD7705 HC The neuroscientist. ALD7748 HC Management of temporomandibular disorders : ALD8028 HC Tropical medicine & international health : ALD8028 HC Tropical medicine & international health : ALD9021 HC The veterinary journal. ALD9022 HC Annual review of cell and developmental biology. ALE3968 HC Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : ALF2656 HC The case manager. ALF5817 HC Journal of magnetic resonance. ALF7683 HC Health education & behavior ALF7684 HC Cellular and molecular life sciences : ALL2898 HC The Journal of peptide research. ALL6264 HC Current protocols in molecular biology / ALM3370 HC Pathfinder on domestic violence in the United States / ALM7102 HC Current protocols in protein science / ALM7608 HC HIV molecular immunology database. ALN6968 HC Zoo biology. ALN8268 HC Health, United States. ALP3997 HC European journal of human genetics : ALP7213 HC The treatment of psychiatric disorders : ALP8551 HC Brain research. ALP8552 HC Oral oncology. ALP8587 HC Biological chemistry. ALQ4398 HC Handbook of medical informatics / ALR1706 HC Mouse genetics : ALR4297 HC Journal of epilepsy. ALR4298 HC International urogynecology journal and pelvic floor dysfunction. ALR4300 HC The Clinical neuropsychologist. ALR4300 HC The Clinical neuropsychologist. ALR4325 HC Journal of computational biology. ALR4327 HC Genetic testing. ALR4330 HC Cancer gene therapy. ALR4331 HC Pharmacogenetics. ALS1489 HC Template atlas of the primate brain / ALS4497 HC Current protocols in neuroscience / ALS5151 HC Pediatric and developmental pathology : ALS5155 HC Molecular cell. ALS7670 HC Neuropsychological rehabilitation. ALS7670 HC Neuropsychological rehabilitation. ALS7997 HC Medication development for the treatment of cocaine dependence : ALS9531 HC Regional anesthesia and pain medicine. ALT2946 HC Molecular genetics and metabolism. ALT8587 HC Prostaglandins & other lipid mediators. ALU3104 HC Trends in labor force participation among persons with disabilities, 1983-1994 / ALV6861 HC In vitro & molecular toxicology : ALV8376 HC Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ALV8376 HC Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ALW7913 HC Dictionary of occupational titles / ALX1100 HC AT & T national toll-free directory : ALX6112 HC Molecular medicine. ALX9242 HC NLM newsline / ALY4140 HC Journal for nurses in staff development / ALY9194 HC Current protocols in cell biology / ALY9458 HC Principles of surgery / ALZ2345 HC Management of hepatitis c AMA7327 HC The online journal of knowledge synthesis for nursing AMA7348 HC Evidence based medicine reviews AMB0147 HC Molecular biology of the cell / AMB0226 HC PubMed AMB1565 HC The American journal of otology. AMB1566 HC American journal of preventive medicine. AMB1567 HC American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology. AMB1568 HC Clinical nursing research. AMB1572 HC Cytokine. AMB1576 HC Epilepsy research. AMB1577 HC The European journal of neuroscience. AMB1577 HC The European journal of neuroscience. AMB1598 HC The international journal of developmental biology. AMB1599 HC Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia. AMB1601 HC Journal of molecular endocrinology. AMB1603 HC Journal of neurotrauma. AMB1604 HC Molecular biotechnology. AMB1605 HC Neurogenetics. AMB1607 HC Occupational and environmental medicine. AMB1609 HC Outcomes management for nursing practice. AMB1610 HC RNA. AMB1612 HC Surgical endoscopy. AMB1613 HC Trends in microbiology. AMB1665 HC Journal of toxicology and environmental health. AMB1665 HC Journal of toxicology and environmental health. AMB4749 HC Principles and practice of emergency medicine / AMB8112 HC PharmacoEconomics. AMB9421 HC Healthy people 2010 objectives : AMC3676 HC Cell and tissue culture : AMC8407 HC Progress report on Alzheimer's disease 1998 / AMD3161 HC Proceedings. AMD3161 HC Proceedings. AMD3161 HC Proceedings. AMD3950 HC BJU international. AMD3950 HC BJU international. AMD4227 HC Clinical immunology. AMD4228 HC Clinical neurophysiology. AMD8832 HC JONA's healthcare law, ethics & regulation. AMD9350 HC AAMC data book : AME3454 HC Medical informatics and the internet in medicine. AME3454 HC Medical informatics and the internet in medicine. AMF0412 HC FDA consumer AMG3805 HC Veterinary ophthalmology. AMG3805 HC Veterinary ophthalmology. AMG3923 HC Journal of women's health & gender-based medicine. AMG4630 HC Acupuncture : AMG4631 HC Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes : AMH4407 HC Getting the message across : AMH7570 HC Embracing ambiguity : AMJ0251 HC Catalog of human cancer genes : AMJ0522 HC National vital statistics reports : AMJ1573 HC MD Consult AMJ1576 HC Molecular vision AMJ7835 HC IUBMB life. AMJ7835 HC IUBMB life. AMK2573 HC V&B annual report / AMK6199 HC CMAJ : AMK6403 HC Choice. AMK9187 HC Advances in dental research. AML2912 HC Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology. AML2914 HC Journal of cardiac surgery. AML2916 HC International orthopaedics. AML2923 HC European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery : AML2925 HC Disability and rehabilitation. AML2925 HC Disability and rehabilitation. AML2927 HC Cytokine & growth factor reviews. AML2928 HC Current opinion in oncology. AML2929 HC Current opinion in microbiology. AML2931 HC Current opinion in chemical biology. AML2933 HC Current opinion in biotechnology. AML2935 HC Cloning. AML2937 HC Clinical oral implants research. AML2937 HC Clinical oral implants research. AML2940 HC The breast journal. AML2940 HC The breast journal. AML2942 HC Animal genetics. AML2942 HC Animal genetics. AML2943 HC The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : AML2944 HC Activities, adaptation & aging. AML2945 HC Aging & mental health. AML2945 HC Aging & mental health. AML3005 HC Journal of spinal disorders. AML3013 HC Movement disorders AML3015 HC NeuroImage. AML3045 HC Obesity research. AML3046 HC Paediatric anaesthesia. AML3046 HC Paediatric anaesthesia. AML3049 HC Physiological genomics. AML3050 HC Qualitative health research. AML3051 HC Reproductive toxicology. AML3057 HC Seminars in immunology. AML3058 HC Seminars in virology. AML3061 HC Wound repair and regeneration : AML3061 HC Wound repair and regeneration : AML3809 HC Effective clinical practice : AML5508 HC Dento maxillo facial radiology. AML5509 HC Infants and young children. AML5512 HC Spinal cord AML5516 HC Veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia. AML5516 HC Veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia. AML5518 HC GeneScreen : AML6454 HC The Journal of molecular diagnostics AML8994 HC MARC 21 format for bibliographic data : AMM0522 HC Journal of contemporary neurology AMP4199 HC Strategies to protect the health of deployed U.S. forces : AMP7028 HC Harrison's online AMP7029 HC Trends in endocrinology and metabolism AMP7179 HC Harrison's online AMP8330 HC Neurobiology of disease. AMQ2636 HC Atlas of cancer mortality in the United States, 1950-94 / AMQ3673 HC Journal of midwifery & women's health. AMQ7306 HC Molecular cell biology research communications : AMR0942 HC TOXLINE AMR1620 HC Journal of the history of the neurosciences. AMR2854 HC Violence against women. AMR9255 HC Smith's general urology. AMR9399 HC Current diagnosis & treatment in orthopedics / AMS1639 HC The World Wide Web journal of biology AMS1643 HC Contemporary herpetology AMS1644 HC Internet journal of science, biological chemistry AMS2653 HC The economics of neuroscience : AMS3641 HC Extending Medicare coverage for preventive and other services / AMT3946 HC The journal of investigative dermatology. AMU1861 HC Public health systems and emerging infections : AMU9544 HC Clinical oncology AMV4011 HC Review of general psychiatry / AMZ9938 HC Scandinavian journal of rehabilitation medicine. AMZ9938 HC Scandinavian journal of rehabilitation medicine. ANA5038 HC Reviews in molecular biotechnology ANA5228 HC Human factors and ergonomics in manufacturing ANA5230 HC Journal fur praktische Chemie ANA5232 HC Journal of community psychology ANA5233 HC The Journal of microcolumn separations : ANA5237 HC Journal of physical organic chemistry ANA5239 HC Mental retardation and developmental disabilities research reviews ANA5375 HC Reviews in medical virology ANA5426 HC Teratogenesis, carcinogenesis, and mutagenesis ANA6215 HC Quality of life research ANA6560 HC BioMetals ANA7046 HC International digest of health legislation ANA8008 HC Advances in contraception ANA8014 HC Advances in health sciences education ANA8040 HC AIDS and behavior ANA8041 HC Angiogenesis ANA8042 HC Annals of clinical psychiatry ANA8043 HC Annals of oncology ANA8043 HC Annals of oncology ANA8044 HC Apoptosis ANA8045 HC Applied composite materials ANA8046 HC Applied intelligence ANA8329 HC Biologia plantarum ANA8330 HC Biomedical microdevices ANA8331 HC Bioseparation ANA8586 HC Brain and mind ANA8587 HC Cancer causes and control ANA8588 HC Cardiac electrophysiology review ANA8589 HC Cardiovascular drugs and therapy ANA8590 HC Child and adolescent social work journal ANA8591 HC Chromosome research ANA8592 HC Clinical and experimental metastasis ANA8593 HC Clinical child and family psychology review ANA8594 HC Cell biology and toxicology ANA8595 HC Cellulose ANA8677 HC Autonomic neuroscience : ANA8826 HC Lippincott's case management ANA8829 HC Ecotoxicology ANA8833 HC Environmental geochemistry and health ANA8834 HC Ethical theory & moral practice ANA8835 HC European journal of epidemiology ANA8836 HC European journal of health law ANA8980 HC The future of public health ANA9127 HC Foundations of chemistry ANA9128 HC Foundations of science ANA9129 HC Genetic programming and evolvable machines ANA9130 HC Health care analysis ANA9131 HC Health services and outcomes research methodology ANA9132 HC Heart failure reviews ANA9184 HC International children's rights monitor ANA9185 HC The international journal of cardiac imaging ANA9186 HC The International journal of children's rights ANA9187 HC International journal of sexuality and gender studies ANA9188 HC International journal of speech technology ANA9189 HC International journal of stress management ANA9418 HC International ophthalmology ANA9419 HC Journal of adult development ANA9420 HC Journal of aging and identity ANA9421 HC Journal of applied psychoanalytic studies ANA9425 HC Journal of biological physics ANA9426 HC Journal of child and family studies ANA9427 HC Journal of clinical geropsychology ANA9428 HC Journal of combinatorial optimization ANA9429 HC Journal of computational neuroscience ANA9430 HC Journal of computer-aided molecular design ANA9512 HC Journal of immigrant health ANA9513 HC Journal of interventional cardiac electrophysiology ANA9514 HC Journal of mammary gland biology and neoplasia ANA9843 HC Journal of muscle research and cell motility ANA9844 HC Journal of occupational rehabilitation ANA9845 HC Journal of Psychopathology and behavioral assessment ANA9846 HC Journal of psychotherapy integration ANA9868 HC Journal of radiosurgery ANA9869 HC Journal of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association ANA9870 HC Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis ANA9886 HC Learning environments research ANA9887 HC Letters in peptide science ANA9888 HC Maternal and child health journal ANA9889 HC Medicine, health care & philosophy ANA9890 HC Mental health services research ANA9891 HC Molecular diversity ANA9892 HC Molecular engineering ANA9937 HC Neural processing letters ANA9938 HC Virus genes ANA9939 HC Nonlinear dynamics, psychology, and life sciences ANA9940 HC Origins of life and evolution of the biosphere ANA9941 HC Perspectives in drug discovery and design ANA9942 HC Pharmacy world and science ANA9964 HC Pituitary ANA9965 HC Prevention science ANA9966 HC Quantitative microbiology ANA9967 HC Reaction kinetics and catalysis letters ANA9993 HC Reviews in endocrine and metabolic disorders ANA9994 HC Sepsis ANA9995 HC Sexual abuse ANA9996 HC Social psychology of education ANA9997 HC Statistics and computing ANB0010 HC Substance abuse ANB0011 HC Theoretical medicine and bioethics ANB0012 HC Transgenic research ANB2308 HC Ackerman's Surgical pathology ANB8784 HC Basic & clinical pharmacology / ANC1783 HC Alternative & complementary therapies : ANC1787 HC The journal of alternative and complementary medicine : ANC1790 HC Shock : ANC1791 HC Stem cells. ANC1792 HC Toxicologic pathology. ANC1792 HC Toxicologic pathology. ANC1849 HC EMBO reports. ANC1850 HC Evidence-based dentistry. ANC1852 HC Genes to cells : ANC1852 HC Genes to cells : ANC1854 HC Immunotechnology. ANC1857 HC Molecules and cells. ANC1858 HC Multiple sclerosis ANC1859 HC Parkinsonism & related disorders. ANC1862 HC Reproduction in domestic animals = ANC1862 HC Reproduction in domestic animals = ANC1870 HC Visual neuroscience. ANC3513 HC American journal of transplantation ANC3513 HC American journal of transplantation ANC3674 HC Enhancing data systems to improve the quality of cancer care / ANC3675 HC Protecting those who serve : ANC3862 HC Management of the child with a serious infection or severe malnutrition : ANC4837 HC European journal of obstetrics & gynecology and reproductive biology ANC5647 HC Blood reviews ANC5648 HC Bailliere's best practice and research in clinical anaesthesiology ANC5649 HC Bailliere's best practice and research in clinical endocrinology and metabolism ANC5650 HC Bailliere's best practice and research in clinical obstetrics and gynaecology ANC5651 HC Bailliere's best practice & research. ANC5823 HC Atherosclerosis. ANC7048 HC Manual therapy ANC7049 HC Midwifery ANC7050 HC Pathology and oncology research ANC7051 HC Radiography ANC7052 HC Seizure ANC7053 HC Seminars in neonatology ANC7054 HC Sleep medicine reviews ANC7055 HC The breast ANC7056 HC The foot ANC7067 HC Rights of girls / ANC7068 HC Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders : ANC7389 HC Cell calcium ANC7390 HC Coronary health care ANC7391 HC Current anaesthesia and critical care ANC7392 HC Current diagnostic pathology ANC7393 HC Current obstetrics and gynaecology ANC7394 HC Current paediatrics ANC7395 HC Drug resistance updates ANC7397 HC European journal of echocardiography ANC7398 HC European journal of oncology nursing ANC7399 HC European journal of paediatric neurology ANC7400 HC European journal of pain ANC7401 HC Evidence-based cardiovascular medicine ANC7402 HC Evidence-based healthcare ANC7403 HC Evidence-based obstetrics and gynecology ANC7404 HC Journal of clinical neuroscience ANC7477 HC Bailliere's best practice and research in clinical gastroenterology ANC7481 HC Bailliere's best practice and research in clinical haematology ANC7502 HC Clinical nutrition ANC7503 HC Current orthopaedics ANC7565 HC Growth hormone & IGF research ANC9448 HC Embryonic encyclopedia of life sciences AND1617 HC Principles and practice of psychiatric nursing / AND3581 HC Textbook of neonatal resuscitation / AND5210 HC Annual review of genomics and human genetics. AND5251 HC Mother Jones. AND7590 HC Healthy people 2010 : AND8321 HC Reproduction AND8322 HC Experimental biology and medicine AND8937 HC CV surgery on-line AND9741 HC Trends in parasitology. ANE0167 HC Directory of scholarly electronic journals and academic discussion lists. ANE3014 HC Trends in molecular medicine. ANE3216 HC Trends in immunology. ANE3664 HC Nutrient requirements of beef cattle / ANE3816 HC Healthy people 2010. ANE7094 HC Biotech software & Internet report. ANF5061 HC Current opinion in pulmonary medicine. ANF7810 HC Health insurance status of the civilian noninstitutionalized population. ANF7810 HC Health insurance status of the civilian noninstitutionalized population. ANF9732 HC Sams teach yourself Macromedia Dreamweaver 4 in 24 hours / ANG1864 HC Journal of biomedical informatics. ANG4264 HC Molecular genetics and genomics : ANG4971 HC Rolling stone. ANH3927 HC Medical immunology / ANH4232 HC Williams obstetrics / ANH8726 HC Reviews of reproduction ANJ0477 HC Emotional connotation as semantic attribute : ANL8019 HC Journal of rehabilitation medicine. ANL8083 HC Natural medicines comprehensive database ANL8134 HC Cancer control ANL8136 HC Anti-cancer drug design ANL8299 HC Health policy and planning ANL8308 HC International journal for quality in health care ANL8309 HC Japanese journal of clinical oncology online ANL8312 HC Journal of orthodontics ANL8325 HC Journal of tropical pediatrics ANL8327 HC Mutagenesis ANL8331 HC Occupational medicine ANL8333 HC Psychotherapy research ANL8334 HC European journal of public health ANL8335 HC Journal of deaf studies and deaf education ANM5136 HC Preserving public trust : ANM5569 HC Acta Chirurgica Austriaca ANM5570 HC Acta medica Austriaca ANM5571 HC Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics ANM5572 HC Ambulatory child health ANM5573 HC Anatomia, histologia, embryologia ANM5574 HC Annals of the College of Surgeons of Hong Kong ANM5575 HC Oral microbiology and immunology ANM5576 HC Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition ANM5577 HC Australasian journal of dermatology ANM5578 HC Australasian psychiatry ANM5579 HC Australasian radiology ANM5580 HC Australian and New Zealand journal of mental health nursing ANM5581 HC Australian and New Zealand journal of ophthalmology ANM5582 HC Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry ANM5583 HC The Australian journal of rural health ANM5584 HC Bipolar disorders ANM6047 HC British journal of learning disabilities ANM6058 HC Cancer detection and prevention ANM6059 HC Cancer practice ANM6060 HC Cellular microbiology ANM6061 HC Child & family social work ANM6062 HC Child care, health, and development ANM6063 HC Clinical & experimental ophthalmology ANM6064 HC Clinical and laboratory haematology ANM6065 HC Clinical microbiology and infection ANM6066 HC Clinical otolaryngology and allied sciences ANM6067 HC Colorectal disease ANM6068 HC Cytopathology ANM6069 HC Dental traumatology ANM6069 HC Dental traumatology ANM6070 HC Dermatologic therapy ANM6071 HC Diabetes, obesity and metabolism. ANM6072 HC Emergency medicine ANM6072 HC Emergency medicine ANM6073 HC Digestive endoscopy ANM6074 HC Diseases of the esophagus ANM6293 HC European journal of anaesthesiology ANM6294 HC European journal of cancer care ANM6295 HC European journal of haematology ANM6295 HC European journal of haematology ANM6296 HC European journal of immunogenetics ANM6297 HC European journal of neurology ANM6298 HC Experimental dermatology ANM6299 HC Foot and ankle surgery ANM6300 HC Fundamental & clinical pharmacology ANM6301 HC Gynaecological endoscopy ANM6302 HC Haemophilia ANM6303 HC Health & social care in the community ANM6304 HC Health expectations ANM6305 HC Health information & libraries journal ANM6306 HC Health libraries review ANM6307 HC Heart, lung & circulation ANM6308 HC Helicobacter ANM6309 HC HIV medicine ANM7075 HC International journal of gynecological cancer ANM7076 HC International journal of nursing practice ANM7081 HC International journal of paediatric dentistry ANM7082 HC International journal of urology ANM7083 HC Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities ANM7084 HC Journal of autonomic pharmacology ANM7086 HC Journal of clinical nursing ANM7087 HC Journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics ANM7088 HC Journal of evaluation in clinical practice ANM7089 HC Journal of human nutrition and dietetics ANM7090 HC Journal of intensive care medicine ANM7091 HC Journal of lower genital tract disease ANM7091 HC Journal of lower genital tract disease ANM7563 HC Journal of nursing management ANM7564 HC Journal of paediatrics and child health ANM7565 HC Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing ANM7566 HC Journal of quality in clinical practice ANM7567 HC Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology ANM7568 HC Journal of the peripheral nervous system ANM7569 HC Journal of viral hepatitis ANM7570 HC Liver ANM7571 HC Medical mycology ANM7572 HC Mycoses ANM7573 HC Nephrology ANM7574 HC Neurogastroenterology and motility ANM7575 HC Neuromodulation ANM7576 HC Neuropathology ANM7577 HC Nursing and health sciences ANM7578 HC Nursing inquiry ANM7579 HC Nursing philosophy ANM7580 HC Nutrition bulletin ANM7581 HC Nutrition in clinical care ANM7582 HC Obesity reviews ANM9530 HC Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology ANM9531 HC Pain medicine ANM9532 HC Pain practice ANM9533 HC Pathology international ANM9534 HC Pediatric allergy and immunology ANM9535 HC Pediatric diabetes ANM9536 HC Pediatric transplantation ANM9537 HC Pediatrics international ANM9538 HC Respirology ANM9539 HC Reviews in clinical and experimental hematology ANM9540 HC Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports ANM9541 HC Sexual dysfunction ANM9542 HC Skin research and technology ANM9543 HC Somnologie ANM9544 HC The prostate journal ANM9545 HC Therapeutic apheresis ANM9546 HC Traffic ANM9547 HC Transfusion medicine ANM9548 HC Transplant infectious disease ANM9550 HC Ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology ANM9550 HC Ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology ANM9551 HC Value in health ANM9552 HC Xenotransplantation ANN1503 HC Periodontology 2000 ANN1712 HC Alcohol and alcoholism (online) ANN1712 HC Alcohol and alcoholism (online) ANN1713 HC Biostatistics ANN1714 HC European journal of social work ANN4085 HC Modern drug discovery ANN7216 HC Design principles for the immune system and other distributed autonomous systems / ANN8186 HC Biomedical engineering ANN8292 HC Brain topography ANN9307 HC Beyond heterochrony : ANN9329 HC Essentials of WJ III tests of achievement assessment / ANP3082 HC Thelan's critical care nursing : ANP3339 HC Improving palliative care for cancer patient : ANP4933 HC CDC National Prevention Information Network : Select Materials on HIV/AIDS, STDs & TB ANP7023 HC DATA2010 : ANP8097 HC Alcohol and alcoholism : ANP8097 HC Alcohol and alcoholism : ANP8097 HC Alcohol and alcoholism : ANP8099 HC Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. ANP8876 HC Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing. ANP8876 HC Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing. ANP8878 HC Proteomics. ANP8994 HC The mental health desk reference / ANQ0007 HC American Medical Association complete guide to men's health / ANQ0458 HC The world health report 2001 : ANQ3191 HC The American Medical Association guide to home caregiving / ANQ7055 HC Guide for the selection of chemical agent and toxic industrial material detection equipment for emergency first responders / ANQ7055 HC Guide for the selection of chemical agent and toxic industrial material detection equipment for emergency first responders / ANQ7255 HC Surviving cancer emotionally : ANQ7264 HC Molecular biology problem solver : ANQ7349 HC Developmental cell. ANQ7490 HC Cloning and stem cells. ANQ9089 HC Medicinal natural products : ANR0115 HC Stem cell biology and gene therapy / ANR0522 HC Cosmic questions / ANR2940 HC Fundamentals of light microscopy and electronic imaging / ANR4307 HC Foot-and-mouth disease ANR4903 HC Journal of the Medical Library Association : ANR7366 HC Essentials of MMPI-A assessment / ANR8903 HC Omics : ANS1563 HC Health anxiety : ANS4287 HC Daniels and Worthingham's muscle testing : ANS4448 HC Current problems in pediatric and adolescent health care. ANT0318 HC Psychology and psychotherapy. ANT3607 HC The Challenge of osteoporosis for people with disabilities ANT3619 HC The Challenge of osteoporosis for people with disabilities ANT3746 HC Epidemiology and prevention of vaccine-preventable diseases. ANT6269 HC Journal of clinical child and adolescent psychology. ANT7017 HC Brain research. ANT9792 HC Tissue engineering. ANU1763 HC MARC 21 format for holdings data : ANU1908 HC Children's environmental health information resources ANU4517 HC Vascular pharmacology. ANV1223 HC America's children : ANV1371 HC The muscular dystrophies / ANV1554 HC Chemical applications of molecular modelling / ANV2479 HC Cancer immunology, immunotherapy ANV2533 HC Annual review of plant biology ANV5802 HC The Informatics review ANV7014 HC Tutorial ANV8389 HC Proceedings / ANV8833 HC Clinical & experimental allergy reviews. ANW2378 HC Psychiatric and cognitive disorders in Parkinson's disease / ANX0814 HC A clinical guide to inherited metabolic diseases / ANX2918 HC PDR nurse's drug handbook. ANX7995 HC Rudolph's pediatrics / ANX8061 HC Journal of vascular and interventional radiology ANY0708 HC Active and passive movement testing / ANY0708 HC Active and passive movement testing / ANY1349 HC Molecular cancer research. ANY2394 HC A guide to Asperger syndrome / ANY2409 HC Adolescent sleep patterns : ANY2409 HC Adolescent sleep patterns : ANY4535 HC Carpal tunnel syndrome and other disorders of the median nerve / ANY4549 HC Health behavior and health education : ANY4920 HC Cytogenetic and genome research. ANY6013 HC Assisted reproductive technology / ANY6013 HC Assisted reproductive technology / ANY6037 HC Health policy in a globalising world / ANY6037 HC Health policy in a globalising world / ANY6038 HC Appleton & Lange review of surgery / ANY6509 HC Current diagnosis & treatment in gastroenterology / ANY6687 HC Hybridoma and hybridomics. ANY7809 HC Ellenberg and Rifkin's diabetes mellitus : ANY7904 HC Global assessment of the state-of-the-science of endocrine disruptors : ANY9659 HC Pediatric acupuncture / ANY9662 HC Surviving stalking / ANY9662 HC Surviving stalking / ANY9665 HC Family medicine : ANY9907 HC Orthodontics & craniofacial research. ANZ1264 HC Baby Om : ANZ1271 HC Child and adolescent obesity : ANZ1271 HC Child and adolescent obesity : ANZ2147 HC The dynamics of disability : ANZ3996 HC Reducing suicide : ANZ3997 HC Integrity in scientific research : ANZ3998 HC Health insurance is a family matter / ANZ5003 HC Pharmacogenetics of psychotropic drugs / ANZ5003 HC Pharmacogenetics of psychotropic drugs / ANZ5010 HC The effects of parental dysfunction on children / ANZ7287 HC Clinical manual of emergency pediatrics / ANZ7289 HC Handbook of chromosomal syndromes / ANZ8686 HC More than moody : ANZ8696 HC The cerebellum and adaptive control / ANZ8696 HC The cerebellum and adaptive control / ANZ9708 HC Current obstetric & gynecologic diagnosis & treatment. ANZ9737 HC Diseases of the nervous system : ANZ9737 HC Diseases of the nervous system : APA0151 HC First, do no harm : APA0152 HC Health and the environment in the Southeastern United States / APA0243 HC Protein sequencing protocols / APA0245 HC Neurogenetics : APA0908 HC Cross-over trials in clinical research / APA0915 HC Drugs and addictive behaviour : APA0915 HC Drugs and addictive behaviour : APA3375 HC Molecular biology and pathogenicity of mycoplasmas / APA3649 HC Trends in evidence-based neuropsychiatry : APA4204 HC Clinics in colon and rectal surgery APA4247 HC The pharmacogenomics journal. APA4256 HC Speaking of health : APA4263 HC Familial breast and ovarian cancer : APA4263 HC Familial breast and ovarian cancer : APA4264 HC Environmental change, climate, and health : APA4264 HC Environmental change, climate, and health : APA4552 HC Supporting families : APA4566 HC Scientific and medical aspects of human reproductive cloning / APA5109 HC Enhancing environmental health practice in the 21st century APA5210 HC Cytokines and colony stimulating factors : APA5211 HC PCR detection of microbial pathogens / APA5429 HC Nature cures : APA5430 HC An introduction to tissue-biomaterial interactions / APA5475 HC NDA II : APA5859 HC European journal of pediatric surgery APA5860 HC Experimental and clinical endocrinology and diabetes APA5889 HC Journal of reconstructive microsurgery APA5893 HC Minimally invasive neurosurgery APA5894 HC Seminars in plastic surgery APA5895 HC Perspectives in vascular surgery APA5926 HC Abbreviations dictionary : APA6082 HC Seminars in interventional radiology APA6084 HC Seminars in musculoskeletal radiology APA6085 HC Seminars in neurosurgery APA6086 HC Seminars in reproductive medicine APA6087 HC Seminars in vascular medicine APA6126 HC Skull base surgery APA6127 HC Sleep & breathing : APA6615 HC Nature reviews. APA6618 HC Eukaryotic cell APA6619 HC Molecular and cellular biology APA6625 HC Current diagnosis & treatment in cardiology / APA7058 HC Cross-cultural psychology : APA7058 HC Cross-cultural psychology : APA7890 HC Neuro-opthalmology / APA7895 HC The treatment of anxiety disorders : APA7895 HC The treatment of anxiety disorders : APA8046 HC Traumatic pasts : APA8046 HC Traumatic pasts : APA8053 HC Body and city : APA8915 HC Clinical microbiology reviews APA8935 HC ASM journals. APA9826 HC A biologist's guide to analysis of DNA microarray data / APA9827 HC Bioinformatics for geneticists / APA9827 HC Bioinformatics for geneticists / APA9828 HC Vector targeting for therapeutic gene delivery / APB0234 HC Pharmaceutical chemistry : APB0335 HC Community based participatory research for health / APB1310 HC The NCBI handbook APB1549 HC Biomedical imaging in experimental neuroscience / APB1562 HC Data monitoring committees in clinical trials : APB2485 HC Cytokines and chemokines in autoimmune disease / APB3117 HC Fostering rapid advances in health care : APB3119 HC MRI from picture to proton / APB3119 HC MRI from picture to proton / APB4496 HC Ethics and evidence-based medicine : APB4496 HC Ethics and evidence-based medicine : APB4769 HC Journal of women's health. APB4872 HC Current drug discovery. APB5176 HC McGraw-Hill dictionary of scientific and technical terms. APB6204 HC Geriatric medicine : APB6308 HC Ethical choices in long-term care : APB6390 HC Enzyme assays : APB6392 HC Fundamentals of computational neuroscience / APB6393 HC Human molecular biology : APB6393 HC Human molecular biology : APB6411 HC Everyday bioethics : APB7683 HC Anatomy of gene regulation : APB7683 HC Anatomy of gene regulation : APB7685 HC Sperm collection and processing methods : APB7685 HC Sperm collection and processing methods : APB7686 HC Statistical modeling for biomedical researchers : APB7686 HC Statistical modeling for biomedical researchers : APB7865 HC Journal of pharmacological sciences. APC0167 HC Handbook of psychological assessment / APC0168 HC Early childhood assessment / APC0170 HC Introductory biostatistics for the health sciences : APC1195 HC Iron chelation therapy / APC1944 HC Crisis intervention and trauma : APC2048 HC Treating compassion fatigue / APC2139 HC Handbook of eating disorders / edited by Janet Treasure, Ulrike Schmidt, Eric Van Furth. 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