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电子元件 Electronic Components
Part Number

S29GL512P11TFI010 S29GL512P11TFI020 S29GL256P10TFI010 S29GL256P90TFCR10 S29GL128P10TFI010 S29GL128P10TFI020 S29GL128P90TFCR10 S25FL128P0XMFI001 S29GL128P90TFCR20 S29GL064N90TFI040 S25FL064A0LMFI001 S25FL064A0LMFI003 S29GL032N90TFI040 S25FL032A0LMFI001 S25FL032A0LMFI003 技术词典 要查询的单词 查询方向 查询方法 英中 中英 模糊查询 精确查询 ICC国际元器件中心 电子企业协会采购分会 电子制造与测试网 全国电子新闻中心 注册参加ADI公司2010年1月21日在线研讨会 2009年 集成电路设计业发展报告 推进集成电路产业发展,发展作为产业龙头的设计业尤为重要。 IC设计业发展状况如何?未来5年国家应该重点支持的研发领域有哪些? 详情 专题:专题--电子专用设备(二) 汽车电子产业发展高层论坛即将召开 汽车电子产业发展高层论坛即将召开 1月6日: 飞思卡尔汽车仪表完整解决方案 太阳诱电超薄多层陶瓷电容投入生产 GPU计算:引领电磁仿真革命 2010年一季度组件市场之变化 MOTO发布国内首款Android手机 中兴华为成PTN采购最大赢家 联发科拿下高通专利协议 德国CoSiP项目为SiP开发奠定基础 谈科技界预言之准确率 以太网供电新标准促热网络化电源管理 高级FPGA之嵌入式设计专业课程 传感器技术研讨圆满落幕,精彩演讲资料下载及获奖观众名单公布 飞思卡尔充电吧 轻松充电星期三 更多当日新闻 更多 在线座谈 Webcast ICC解决方案   1月6日 Freescale: 飞思卡尔汽车仪表完整解决方案 1月20日 Freescale: 飞思卡尔汽车电子中电机控制方案 1月21日 ADI: 仪表放大器:如何构建、何时构建 1月22日 AVNET: Cypress PSOC整合性新产品 1月26日 Renesas: 最新的32位高性能MCU R32C/100系列的介绍   “参加座谈,获得礼品”总动员 正在进行中! 更多 10 月14日起 Altera: 学习在一个硬件平台上采用多种工业以太网标准进行设计 11 月20日起 Altera : 采用市场上成本最低、功耗最低的FPGA降低系统总成本     12月18日 ICC: 安富利汽车电子技术研讨会 12 月16日 ICC: Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3新功能,新体验 12 月1日 ICC: Zywyn齐荣LED电源驱动解决方案 热播中 11 月27日 ICC: LED照明电源解决方案 9 月18日 ICC: PCI-E无线上网卡解决方案 9 月4日 ICC: SiRF A4超便携投影仪解决方案 利用Virtex-5 FPGA实现设计性能 Microchip 16-bit解决方案在线应用研讨会 高速印制电路板布线实践指南 STR910系列单片机研讨会 瑞萨的QzROM单片机应用于家电及消费类电子的解决方案 更多 博客 小组 热帖 电子工程师的专属社区,赶快入伙吧! 泰克--年度“一揽子”资料下载,让您与全球同行工程师同步 电子工程师常笔试题目[转] PCB专业人员何去何从? 磁罗盘设计-HMR3300反设计方案[原] 堆释放的一点想法,指针之祸[原] 比2G手机电池耗电更惊人 手机电池拖累3G运用? 凌阳利华(深圳)签约经历 飞思小车PID控制的通俗理解(之3)[原] 飞思小车PID控制的通俗理解(之2)[原] 2010电子产业展望有喜有忧:看好10个好的信号 更多 嵌入式技术 通信技术 MCU单片机技术 ARM技术 电源与功率管理 FPGA DSP技术 模拟电路 LED C51之家 更多 FREESCALE单片机的C编程 [经验之谈]9S12的MSCAN速率配置及错误帧故障的解决 上传一份freescale内部的CodeWarrior的资料! [原创]单片机类ARM处理器有必要跑操作系统吗? 基于单片机的电子闹钟的硬件设计图 基于GSM和AVR单片机的智能家居控制系统 与STC完美契合的MCU的资料 [下载]超强教你设计好PCB板精华教程 更多 最新IC产品 新品相册 每月十大新品推荐 NARDAFO-MDA-20-25DD-1 NARDA推出可寻址40/100Gb/s光波系统的DQPSK调制器 FO-MDA-20-25DD-1双沟道DQPSK调制器驱动器用于40和100-Gb/s光纤收发器,传输速率高达113Gb/s 详情 ANADIGICS推出高达8个RF输出的网关分配器系列 CAMBRIDGE公司推出节省空间的真75欧姆BNC Powerpax推出PCB安装的微型3W和5WAC/DC电源PD03~PD05 MICROPOWERDIRECT推出17WLED驱动器LD24E 更多 解决方案大世界 方案分类 最新方案 在线座谈     在线座谈 9月4日icc: SiRF A4超便携投影仪解决方案 回放: DP 转 VGA完全解决方案 最热方案-LED专题 Allegromicro LC5200离线LED驱动方案 Linear LT3760 8路LED驱动方案 On Semi NCP3065 MR16 LED 1-5W驱动方案 Fairchild FAN6754 PWM反激型电源转换方案 最新方案 : Wolfson WM8783立体声96kHz模数转换方案 TI DRV8412高性能双路全桥马达驱动方案 更多 汽车电子 通信技术 仪表盘 GPS导航 车载蓝牙 防盗系统 充电器 汽车音响 汽车电源 ABS 3G手机 GPS WiMAX Wi-Fi ZigBee 消费类电子 电源管理 数码相机 数码相框 DVD 蓝光碟机 HDTV 组合音响 数字收音机 STB AC/DC转换器 DC/DC转换器 LDO线性稳压器 工业控制 计算机和外设 测试仪表 工厂自动化 传感器信号调理 计算机电源 计算机板卡 数据存储器 显示器 服务器 光学鼠标 医疗电子 其它解决方案 血压计 健身仪 超声检测仪 数字体温计 IC卡 POS Wolfson WM8783立体声96kHz模数转换方案 Wolfson 公司的WM8783是立体声低功耗96kHz取样的模数转换器(ADC),是高保真度音频ADC,SNR达到9 TI DRV8412高性能双路全桥马达驱动方案 Allegromicro LC5200离线LED驱动方案 Intersil ISL28x17 40V精密低功耗运算放大方案 Linear LT3991 55V 1.2A降压稳压方案 ST LSM320HAY30 3D数字线性加速度传感方案 Freescale MCF51CN以太网MCU开发方案 Maxim MAXQ3183电能测量前端方案 9月4日 ICC: SiRF A4超便携投影仪解决方案 超便携投影仪市场是一个潜力巨大的市场,和其他投影产品相比 7 月10日 ICC: Ali汽车音频播放器解决方案 7月17日 ICC: 无钥匙门禁系统完全解决方案 7月24日 ICC: 以SiRF CMMB(含CA 解密)技术为核心的移动电视整体解决方案 7月31日 ICC: Freescale新一代胎压监控系统(TPMS) 8月14日 ICC: LED及驱动解决方案 8月21日 ICC: DP 转 VGA完全解决方案   国家电子工程培训课程 高级FPGA之嵌入式设计专业课程 联合主办: 当今领先的互联技术培训课程 免费课程 联合主办: 数字射频测试与测量 联合主办: 基于IBM PowerPC硬核和Xilinx MicroBlaze软核的嵌入式系统设计 联合主办: 2009年11月17日 深圳 2009年11月20日 上海 第二届亚洲传感器研讨会 2009 汽车电子产业发展高层论坛-精彩回放 飞思卡尔技术论坛 观看现场直播,大奖赢 ! 马上注册 第五界 国际警用装备博览会 第十二届国际集成电路研讨会暨展览会 2007亚洲半导体先锋论坛 设计应用 IC数据表查询 产品型号: 显示行数: 10 20 30 按型号查询 按厂商查询 道康宁提供崭新无间断的有机硅技术支持 在嵌入式软件编程中深入理解关键字 PCM2702与BH1417的USB音频发射 P89V51RD2单片机的自调试与在线编程 一种简易单工无线传呼系统 路由特性对IEEE 802.11 DCF多跳 空形编码技术在超宽带通信系统中的应用 Matlab/RTW实时仿真与嵌入式系统开发 LPC2214的在线式UPS硬件设计 基于电压型变频调速系统滤波参数的计算 基于无线传送的室内通信系统 更多 FPGA群英会       FPGA新品连连看 Altera发布了具有安全特性的 Actel公司推出提高性能和降低功耗约束   FPGA在线座谈 利用基于Virtex-6和Spartan-6的目标设计平台提高生产率和易用性   FPGA培训 Altera: FPGA应用技术 Xilinx与IBM: 基于IBM PowerPC硬核和Xilinx MicroBlaze软核的嵌入式系统设计 Xilinx: 高级FPGA之嵌入式设计专业课程   FPGA论坛   电子商城 可信供货商认定   更多 网上书店 图书分类 畅销榜   市场报告 1 2 3 4 有线通信 无线通信 数据通信 数字电路 FPGA/CPLD 软件/EDA 计算机技术 多媒体技术 广播/电视 消费类电子 IC设计 模拟电路       嵌入式实时操作系统uC/OS-II(第2版) 现场总线技术及其应用(第2版) 电信级以太网 汽车第二代车载诊断系统(OBD II)解析 Xilinx可编程逻辑器件应用与系统设计 工程师论坛 飞思卡尔技术支持中心 实现NIOSII从ECPS启动的步骤 FPGA电平匹配问题 [求助]关于DS18B20???急!!! [求助]移植U-BOOT的问题1 专区: Altera 飞思卡尔论坛 Fujitsu Holtek NI SECOM Xilinx 电子百科   数字版权管理(DRM) DRM系统主要负责将内容发布者发布的信息与版权发布者 移动通信 ITU-T H.323标准 应用控制(信令)(SIP)协议 虚拟语音/传真邮箱 IP网关 网闸(Gatekeeper) 查看更多 技术热点 器件分类 嵌入式系统 嵌入式系统 DSP与MCU 可编程逻辑 FPGA SoC 分立器件 存储器 闪存 数字电路 模拟电路 接口电路 电源管理 显示技术 LCD 传感技术 MEMS 光电器件 无源元件 应用分类 消费电子 家用电器 媒体播放器 DVD IP电话 数据采集 机顶盒 数字电视 PDA 计算机与外设 汽车电子 工业控制 无线通信 手机技术 3G WLAN 网络通信 VoIP 仪器仪表 IPTV 视频中心   主题: 霍尼韦尔传感器技术概述与应用 简介: 详情 飞思卡尔MEMS传感器在汽车安全领域的应用 MEMS 应用及在消费电子类产品中的应用 更多 下载中心 实用技术   最新射频通信测试讲义 经典FPGA算法教材 ARM7 开发全部源代码 Keil C51 硬件编程手册 实用电源电路集锦 Allegro Layout高速电路板设计 FPGA/SOPC开发快速教程 单片机应用技术教程      更多 μPBl009K的GPS接收机电路 户外灯光控制电路 GPl020的CMOS数字相关器电路 GP2015的GPS接收机射频前端电路 也谈CRT显示器的维修 三种小型继电器浅谈 简单的全自动宽带共享电源控制器 更多 更多 业界访谈   Analogic Tech专有工艺 AnalogicTech进军LED背光液晶电视市场 AnalogicTech CEO Richard Williams称,“推出瞄准LED背光电视市场的新产品,表明我们将不断推出节约能源…… 详情 关于传感器的未来——预测之,创造之 英特尔凌动,未来百亿市场的掘金利器 更多 世界电子元器件 电子杂志   第12期:无源元件 满足对背板连接器在信号速率和密度方面的更高要求 连接器在通信系统中的应用 基于DSP和DDS的三维感应测井高频信号源实现 基于DSP在线式UPS不间断电源控制系统的研究 第5期:DSP,MCU,FPGA专刊 世界电子元器件 发行时间:2008.05 文件大小:25M 厂商黄页 供求信息 热门招聘   嵌入式 汽车电子 工业控制 模拟电路 电源管理 数字电视 通信技术 电子制造 3G 消费电子 测试测量 DSP与MCU 可编程 传感器
合作媒体: 《 电子报》 《电子设计技术》 《单片机与嵌入式系统应用》 《电子报》 赛迪网 《电子与电脑》 《电子元器件应用》 世纪电源网 友情链接: 半导体行业网 电子企业协会 信息产业网 利尔达单片机 电子电器网 百方网 IC电子商务门户 hc360慧聪网电子
Brick Mold
Brick Mold
4242-6, 10 3.54 1.04 .85 1.843 3.000 .77 .36 .146 ±.005
4242-20 4.04 1.04 .77 2.500 3.500 .77 .16 .146 ±.005
4243-6, 4243B-10 2.92 .67 .48 1.968 2.384 .34 .15 .146 ±.005
4243-20 2.92 .85 .59 1.750 2.384 .50 .16 .146 ±.005
4244-6, -10, -20 1.81 .67 .47 0.875 1.274 .34 .15 .146 ±.005
4244-30 2.12 .82 .62 0.875 1.584 .52 .11 .104 
4245B-6, -10, -20, -30 1.26 .58 .44 .375 .719 .34 .11 .104 
4246B-6, -10, -20, -30
4242-20 narda pdf
Manufacturer Model Max Atten.(db) Freq.(GHz) Power(w) Connectors z(?) Price
Stoddart SDT92405-0 0 DC-10.0 1 N(M/F) 50 $35
Narda NAR4781-1 1 DC-12.4 2 SMA(M/F) 50 $45
Bruno Industries BNO94E3 3 1-10 5 N(M/F) 50 $85
Emco EMOA406M 3 DC-2.0 1 SMA(M/F) 50 $25
FXR FXRAD03B 3 DC-4.0 15 BNC(M/F) 50 $100
Hewlett Packard H-P8491A/003 3 DC-12.4 2 N(M/F) 50 $130
Hewlett Packard H-P8492A/003 3 DC-18 2 APC7 50 $275
Midwest Microwave MWM472-3 3 DC-6.0 10 SMA(M/F) 50 $90
Narda 757C3 3 DC-12.4 2 N(M/F) 50 $100
Narda NAR777C3 3 DC-12.4 2 N(M/F) 50 $85
Narda NAR779-3 3 DC-18 2 N(M/F) 50 $100
Weinschel WEI24-3-43 3 DC-8 50 N(F/F) 50 $225
Weinschel WEI50-3 3 DC-3.0 2 N(M/F) 50 $50
Weinschel WEI530A3 3 1.0-12.4 2 N(M/F) 50 $45
Weinschel WEIHFN3 3 DC-10.0 1 N(M/F) 50 $45
FXR FXRAA04N 4 DC-2.0 3 N(M/F) 50 $60
Weinschel WEI50-4 4 DC-3.0 1 N(M/F) 50 $40
Narda NAR4772-5 5 DC-6.0 2 SMA(M/F) 50 $40
FXR FXRAC06T 6 4.5-10.0 3 TNC(M/F) 50 $50
Hewlett Packard H-P8492A/006 6 DC-18.0 2 APC7 50 $280
Hewlett Packard H-P8493B/006 6 DC-18.0 2 SMA(M/F) 50 $110
Narda NAR4778-6 6 DC-12.4 2 SMA(M/F) 50 $45
Narda NAR773-6 6 DC-6.0 2 N(M/F) 50 $60
Narda NAR777-6 6 DC-12.4 N(M/F) 50 $100
Narda NAR777C6 6 DC-12.4 2 N(M/F) 50 $100
Omni-Spectra ONS20600-6 6 DC-18 2 SMA(M/F) 50 $75
Probemaster PBMPM1084 6 DC-2.0 2 BNC(M/F) 50 $30
Weinschel WEI210-6 6 1.0-12.4 3 N(M/F) 50 $50
Weinschel WEI23-6-34 6 DC-18 10 N(M/F) 50 $265
Weinschel WEI40-6-33 6 DC-1.5 150 N(F/F) 50 $250
Weinschel WEI530A6 6 1.0-12.5 2 N(M/F) 50 $45
Bruno Industries BNO94E7 7 1-10 5 N(M/F) 50 $85
Alan ALI50SPA10 10 30 MHz-1 GHz — SMA(M/F) — $20
Bird BRD8311 10 DC-0.5 20 N(M)/BNC(F) — $125
FXR FXRAC10T 10 4.0-12.0 2 N(M/F) 50 $55
General Radio G-R874G10L 10 DC-4.0 1 GR874 50 $90
General Radio G-R900G10/E69 10 DC-8.5 1 GR900 50 $465
Hewlett Packard H-P8492A/010 10 DC-18.0 2 APC7 50 $260
Narda NAR777C10 10 DC-12.4 2 N(M/F) 50 $100
Omni-Spectra ONS2082-6193—10 10 DC-18 2 SMA(M/F) 50 $60
RLC Electronics RLCA28A 10 DC-3.0 — 7/8 EIA — $245
Rohde & Schwarz RHDBN18061/50 10 DC-4.0 0.5 Rohde & Schwarz 50 $200
Weinschel WEI24-10-33 10 DC-8 50 N(F/F) 50 $225
Weinschel WEI50-10 10 DC-3.0 1 N(M/F) 50 $50
FXR FXRAAA35 11 .96-1.215 5 N(M/F) — $55
FXR FXRAH11 11 .96-1.215 5 N(M/F) 50 $50
FXR FXRAB12N 12 DC-5.0 2 N(M/F) 50 $65
Omni-Spectra ONS2082-4123-15 15 2 OSM 50 $45
Bird BRD8311 20 DC-0.5 20 N(M)/BNC(F) — $125
Bird BRD8341-200 20 DC-1.0 40 N(F/F) 50 $175
FXR FXRAC20T 20 4.0-12.0 2 TNC(M/F) 50 $50
Hewlett Packard H-P8491B/020 20 DC-18 2 N(M/F) 50 $185
Hewlett Packard H-P8492A/020 20 DC-18.0 2 APC7 50 $280
Narda NAR4778-20 20 DC-12.4 2 SMA(M/F) — $50
Narda NAR5779/20 20 DC-18 2 7mm(M/F) 50 $185
PRD PRD135D 20 2.0-10.0 1 N(M/F) 50 $30
Probemaster PBMPM1087 20 DC-2.0 2 BNC(M/F) 50 $30
Sierra SIE662A20 20 DC-1 100 N(F/F) 50 $250
Stoddart SDT92405-20 20 DC-10.0 1 N(M/F) 50 $50
Weinschel WEI10-20 20 DC-1.5 10 N(M/F) 50 $90
Weinschel WEI50-20 20 DC-3.0 1 N(M/F) 50 $50
Weinschel WEI51-20 20 DC-3.0 1 N(F/F) 50 $55
Weinschel WEI609 20 1.0-10.0 — N(M/F) 50 $30
Bird 8322 30 DC-.5 200 QC(N-F) 50 $350
Bird 8329-300 30 DC-.5 2000 QC(LC-F) 50 $950
Electro Impulse ELIAX500-30 30 DC-.5 500 N(F/F) 50 $395
Hewlett Packard H-P8491A/030 30 DC-12.4 2 N(M/F) 50 $130
Hewlett Packard H-P8492A/030 30 DC-18.0 2 APC7 50 $280
Hewlett Packard H-P8498A 30 DC-18.0 25 N(M/F) 50 $650
JFW Industries JFW50FHC030-20 30 DC-4.0 20 N(M/F) 50 $120
Midwest Microwave MWM521-30-003 30 DC-4.0 20 N(M/F) 50 $125
Narda NAR768-30 30 DC-11.0 20 N(M/F) 50 $150
Weinschel WEI46-30-43 30 DC-18 25 N(M/F) 50 $335
Weinschel WEI50-40 40 DC-3.0 1 N(M/F) 50 $110
Hewlett Packard H-P8492A/050 50 DC-18.0 2 APC7 50 $280
Narda NAR757B50 50 DC-12.4 2 N(M/F) 50 $100
JFW Industries JFW50FHC060-20 60 DC-4.0 20 N(M/F) 50 $135
Weinschel WEI3T60 60 DC-12.4 2 SMA(M/F) 50 $100
Weinschel WEI5088-60 60 DC-1 25 N(M/F) 50 $135
Narda NAR2565 70 4.2-4.4 — N(M/F) — $90
Variable Attenuators
Alan Industries 50V10
Step Attenuator ....................$200
0 to 10 dB in 10 steps. 500 MHz. 50 ?
impedance. Type BNC(F/F) connectors.
Alfred (Singer) 1151
Frequency range is 1 to 2 GHz. Attenuation
range is 0 to 50 dB. 5 dB insertion loss,
500 mW power rating. Sampler mean coupling
is 16 dB, ± 1 dB. This unit allows
precise leveling of sweep generator output
with up to 50 dB power control. BNC(F)
Out, and N(F) In connectors.
Arra 1414-4B
Variable Attenuator .............$200
400 - 500 MHz, 0 - 4 dB, micrometer
adjust, conn: N (F/F).
Arra 3614-60
Variable Attenuator .............$200
1 to 2 GHz frequency range, 60 dB attenuation,
continuously variable, N(F) connectors.
Arra 3614-60X Variable Coaxial
Attenuator .............................$200
1.0 - 2.0 GHz, 0 - 60 dB range, 10 W. avg.,
direct reading with lock, conn: N (M/F).
Arra 4426-20B
Variable Attenuator .............$200
Continuously variable to 20 dB. Frequency
range from 2.0 to 4.0 GHz. Maximum
VSWR of 1.3. Maximum insertion loss of
0.2 dB. Power rating of 10 W average, 5
kW peak. Type SMA(F) connectors.
Codeco D807
Attenuator .............................$250
0-96.5 dB in 0.1 dB steps 75 ? 2C(f).
Electro-Impulse SX1-100
Step Attenuator ....................$275
Frequency range of 2-32 MHz.
Attenuation range of 0-10 dB. Power rating
of 100 watts. Type “N” connectors.
Empire Devices AT103
Turrent Attenuator ...............$150
DC to 4 GHz. Steps of 0-5, 10, 15, 20, and
25 dB. 50 ? impedance. Type N(F/F)
Turrent Attenuator ...............$150
0/1/2/3/4/5 dB, DC - 2 GHz, 2 W. Avg, 1
kW Peak, 50 ?, BNC (M/F) (coaxial).
General Radio 1450TA
Decade Attenuator...............$395
0-110 dB in 1 dB steps. Accuracy of ±
0.02 dB, ± 0.25%. Usable to 1 MHz.
Input and output impedance of 600 ?.
Maximum power of 1 W.
General Radio 1450TB
Step Attenuator ....................$495
0-111 dB in 1 dB steps. Accuracy of ±
0.02 dB, ± 0.25%. Usable to 1 MHz.
Input and output impedance of 600 ?.
Maximum power of 1 W.
Hewlett Packard 350D
Attenuator Set.......................$149
0-110 dB attenuation in 1 dB and 10 dB
steps. DC-1 MHz response, 600 ? impedance,
5 watts power rating. Banana jacks.
Hewlett Packard 353A
Attenuator Set,
Patch Panel ............................$100
110 dB attenuation in 1 dB steps. 50 Hz
to 560 kHz input frequency range.
Impedances of 135, 600, 900 ? and
bridging (10 k?).
Hewlett Packard 355A
Step Attenuator ....................$190
12 dB in 1 dB steps, DC - 500 MHz, 50 ?,
Rotary type, BNC (F/F).
Hewlett Packard 355C
VHF Step Attenuator............$335
0 to 12 dB in 1 dB steps. DC to 1 GHz frequency
response, 50 ? impedance. BNC
(F/F) type connectors.
Hewlett Packard 355D
VHF Step Attenuator............$335
0 to 120 dB in 10 dB steps. DC to 1 GHz
response, 50 ? impedance. BNC(F/F) type
Hewlett Packard 355E
Step Attenuator ....................$450
Attenuation range of 0 to 12 dB in 1 dB
steps. Frequency range from DC to 1 GHz.
Impedance of 50 ?. Type BNC(F/F) connectors.
Hewlett Packard 355F
Attenuator .............................$450
120 dB in 10 dB steps, DC - 1 GHz, 0.5 W
Avg., 350 W peak, 50 ? Actuator 15-18
Hewlett Packard 393A
Variable Attenuator ..........$1,150
5 to 120 dB attenuation. 500 to 1000 MHz
frequency response. 200 watts average
Hewlett Packard 394A
Variable Attenuator ..........$1,150
Continuously variable attenuation from 6 to
120 dB. 1 to 2 GHz frequency range.
200 watts average power. N (F) type
Hewlett Packard 3750A
Step Attenuator ....................$525
75 ?, 0 to 99 dB in 1 dB steps, DC-100
MHz, BNC(F) connectors.
Hewlett Packard 4437A
Decade Attenuator...............$499
Covers from DC to 1.5 MHz (0 to 110 dB)
DC to 1 MHz (0 to 119.9 dB). Maximum
attenuation of 119.9 dB in 0.1 dB increments.
Maximum input of +30 dBm.
Input/output impedance of 900 ?, unbalanced.
Hewlett Packard 33304D/005
Programmable 11 dB
Attenuator .............................$850
Frequency range DC - 18 GHz, 0 to 11 dB
in 1 dB steps, 2 watts max, input connector
is type N(F) and output is SMA(F). Coils
are 24 - 30 VDC.
Hewlett Packard 33304D/055
Programmable Attenuator.......$850
Attenuation range of 0-110 dB in 10- dB
steps over a frequency range of DC-18
GHz. Actuator voltage of 24-30 V is
required. Type SMA(F/F) connectors.
Hewlett Packard 33305D/005
Programmable Attenuator.......$850
Frequency range DC - 18 GHz, 0 to 110 dB
in 10 dB steps, 2 watts max, input connector
is type N(F) and output is SMA(F). Coils
are 24 - 30 VDC.
Hewlett Packard 33305D/055
Programmable Step
Attenuator .............................$850
110 dB in 10 dB steps. Frequency range
from DC to 18.0 GHz. Power of 2 W average,
500 W peak. Solenoid voltage of 24
to 30 V with indication contacts.
Connectors SMA(F/F).
Hewlett Packard 33320H
Programmable Attenuator.......$600
Frequency range DC - 18 GHz, 0 to 11 dB
in 1 dB steps, 1 watt max, connectors are
SMA(F). Coils are 20 - 30 VDC.
Hewlett Packard 33321G
Programmable Attenuator.......$335
Frequency range of DC-4 GHz. 0-70 dB in
10 dB steps. SMA(f) connectors. Similar
to HP8495G.
Hewlett Packard 33321G/089
Programmable Attenuator.......$335
Frequency range from DC to 4 GHz.
Attenuation range from 0 to 70 dB in 10
dB steps. Option 089 provides 5 V programmable
Hewlett Packard 33321H
Attenuator .............................$335
Frequency range of DC to 18 GHz with an
attenuation range of 70 dB in 10 dB
steps. SMA(F/F).
Hewlett Packard 33322H
Programmable Attenuator.......$500
Frequency range of DC- 18 GHz with an
attenuation range of 0-110 dB in 10 dB
steps. SMA(f/f) connectors. Similar to
HP8596H attenuator.
Jerrold AV50
Step Attenuator ....................$180
0 to 62.5 dB in 0.5 dB steps over 0 to 500
MHz frequency range. 50 ? impedance.
BNC type connectors.
Kama Instruments 201
Step Attenuator ....................$165
Steps: 3/6/9/12/15/18/INF, Direct reading
dial, BNC(F/F).
Kay 451B
Step Attenuator ....................$185
0-41 dB in 1- dB steps. DC-500 MHz
response, 90 ? impedance. Type BNC(F)
Kay 452C
Attenuator .............................$200
Frequency range of DC to 500 MHz with an
attenuation range of 0 to 101 dB in 9
steps. Power is 0.5 W. BNC(F/F).
Leader LAT45
Audio Attenuator..................$240
0-101 dB attenuation in .1dB steps. Input/
Output Impedance of 600 ?. Frequency
range DC-100 kHz. Accuracy of .2 dB.
Maximum power input of .5 watts.
Micronetics 5446
Variable Attenuator .............$200
7 to 11 GHz, 0 - 30 dB.
Microwave Associates MPS217
8.4-12.0 GHz, matched pin attenuator with
coupler and modulator, 7 each SMA(F)
Midwest Microwave 1042-8SMA
Step Attenuator ....................$525
Frequency range of DC-8 GHz. Attenuation
range of 0-9 dB. 2 watt power rating.
SMA connectors.
Midwest Microwave 1043-8SMA
Step Attenuator ....................$625
Frequency range of DC-8 GHz. Attenuation
range of 0-60 dB. 2 watt power rating.
SMA connectors.
Narda 702-60
Step Attenuator ....................$785
Covers 0-90 dB in 10 dB steps.
Frequency range of DC- 12.4 GHz. 2 watt
power rating. Type “N” connectors.
Narda 792FF
Variable Attenuator .............$495
Covers from 2-12.4 GHz frequency range.
0-17.5 dB minimum attenuation. N(F/F).
Narda 795FM
Variable Attenuator .............$525
0 to 20 dB attenuation range over 7 to 11
GHz frequency range. 10 watts power
capability. N(M/F) type connectors.
Narda 796FM
Variable Attenuator .............$495
Flat frequency response, accurate calibration,
low phase shift. 7-11 GHz frequency
range, 0-40 dB attenuation range, 1.5 dB
min. attenuation loss. Power: average 10
W; 5 kW peak. N(M/F) connectors.
Narda 3712
Variable Attenuator .............$475
1-2 GHz frequency range. 5-90 dB continuously
variable. 200 W average power, 2
kW peak. Type N(M/F) connectors.
Narda 4798
Variable Attenuator .............$275
Screwdriver slot with locking capability.
Frequency range of 7-18 GHz with 20 dB
minimum attenuation. Power rating of 5
watts. SMA(F/F) connectors.
Narda 22710C
Precision Step Attenuator ......$950
Combines two separate turret attenuators,
placed in series. BroadBand frequency
coverage from DC to 12.4 GHz. 0 to 69 dB
in 1 dB steps. 50 ? input with 1 dB insertion
loss. TNC(F) connectors.
Tamagawa URAW00141
Variable Attenuator .............$500
Attenuation of 99.9 dB in 0.1 dB steps. 3
rotary units. SMA(F/F).
Weinschel 64A
Precision Attenuator............$750
0 to 64 dB, 0 to 3 dB in 1 dB steps and 3
to 64 dB in 0.1 dB steps. (Drums A, B and
C). DC to 2 GHz range. 50 ? impedance.
Type N(F/F) connectors.
Weinschel 9411
Motorized Step Attenuator ......$300
0-90 dB in 10- dB steps over DC-8 GHz
range. 1 watt. Requires 28 VDC control
voltage. Type N(F/F) connectors.
Weinschel AB119A-99-34
Step Attenuator ....................$350
Variable from 0-99 dB in 1 dB steps.
Frequency range of DC- 1 GHz. Type “N”
Wavetek A415
Programmable Attenuator.......$180
0-20 dB, 50 ?. Three SMA(F) connectors:
Pulse In, Sweep In, and RF Output. DIN
connectors on end of cord.
Coaxial Adapters
Manufacturer Model Description Price
Amphenol APNAPC7 APC7 $50
FXR FXRHMA02 Coax T adapter $65
General Radio G-R874QBJA 874/BNC(F) $85
General Radio G-R874QNPL 874/N(M)locking $50
General Radio G-R874Q900L 874 Locking/900 $175
General Radio G-R900Q874 900/874 $395
General Radio G-R900QBJ 900/BNC(F) $375
General Radio G-R900QBJA 900/BNC(F) $400
General Radio G-R900QBP 900/BNC (M) $400
General Radio G-R900QCL 900/C locking $475
General Radio G-R900QMMJ 900/SMA (F) $450
General Radio G-R900QMMP 900/SMA (M) $450
General Radio G-R900QNJ 900/N (F) $425
General Radio G-R900QNJA 900/N (F) $425
General Radio G-R900QNP 900/N (M) $425
Manufacturer Model Description Price
General Radio G-R900QSCJ 900/SC (F) $425
General Radio G-R900QSCP 900/SC (P) $425
General Radio G-R900QTNJA 900/TNC (F) $425
General Radio G-R900QTNP 900/TNC(M) $600
Millen MMC2406C1 G-R900/N $435
Midwest Microwave MWM2579 N (F)/SMA (F) $25
Midwest Microwave MWM2581 N(M)/SMA(F) $25
Narda NAR57 SMA(M) TO N(F) $50
Narda NAR61 SMA (M/F) $50
Narda NAR5069 SMA/7mm $110
Omni-Spectra ONS2049-6020-00 T-adapter $185
Omni-Spectra ONS2080-2322-00 BNC (F)/SMA (M) $40
Omni-Spectra ONS2081-2710-00 GR900/SMA (M) $450
Omni-Spectra ONS3182-2321-00 TNC (F)/BNC (M) $18
Prodelin PDL85-875-2 7/8”/ 7/8” EIA $195
Coaxial Detectors &
Aertech A9L112B
Detector Mount ....................$150
Aertech DM408BA1
Detector ...................................$55
4 - 8 GHz SMA(m) SMA(F).
Applied Microwave Electronics
47WM3 Tunable Wavemeter
Detector .................................$125
Uses 1N23WE crystal. Micrometer
adjustable. BNC(F) connector.
Counter Measurers Systems
MCM18 Threshold Detector ......$295
Covers from 1-18 GHz. Power rating of ±
10 V. RF connector is SMA(M).
Tunable Detector Mount.....$150
Covers from 1 to 12.4 GHz. Features dual
tuning and built-in DC return. Comes supplied
with 1N23B Crystal. Input connector is
type N(M); output connector is type BNC(F).
Crystal Detector ......................$85
Padded detector with range of 10-5000 MHz.
Hewlett Packard 423A
Crystal Detector....................$195
10 MHz to 12.4 GHz frequency range.
Input connector is N(M); Output connectoor
is BNC(F).
Hewlett Packard 423B
Crystal Detector....................$250
Similar to 423A except uses a low barrier
Schottky Diode.
American Corp. 20206603
Directional Coupler..............$125
0.5-1 GHz, 30 dB SMA(f) all ports
Anaren 1G0618-10 10 dB
Directional Coupler..............$200
Frequency range from 8.0 to 12.4 GHz. 10
dB coupling (± 0.5). Typical directivity of 20
dB. Maximum input VSWR of 1.45.
Maximum insertion loss of 0.60 dB.
Maximum power rating of 50 W. Three
SMA(F) connectors plus one port terminated.
Anaren 1H0568-3 3 dB
Hybrid Coupler......................$200
Frequency range from 8.0 to 12.4 GHz.
Typical isolation of 22 dB. Maximum
VSWR of 1.35. Maximum insertion loss of
0.50 dB. Power rating of 200 W average,
5 kW peak. Four SMA(F) connectors.
Anaren 10018-3 3 dB
Hybrid Coupler......................$225
Covers from 8.0 to 12.4 GHz. Typical isolation
of 22 dB. Maximum VSWR of 1.4.
Maximum insertion loss of 0.50 dB. Power
rating of 200 W; 5 kW peak. Four SMA(F)
Arra 1114-30 Coaxial
Directional Coupler..............$225
Frequency range of 250-500 MHz. 30 dB
coupling. Power rating of 50 W average;
30 kW peak. Type N(F) connectors.
Directional Coupler..............$105
Frequency range of 200 to 400 MHz; 3 dB
coupling. Four N(F) connectors.
General Radio 880DCA
Directional Coupler..............$725
A precision unidirectional 50 ? coupler.
Excellent response from 3 GHz to 18 GHz.
Directivity of 34 dB (to 8 GHz) and 30 dB
(to 18 GHz). SWR of 1.12 (to 14 GHz) and
1.16 (to 18 GHz). Three APC-7 connectors.
Hewlett Packard 765D
Dual Directional Coupler ....$175
450-940 MHz frequency range, 20 dB coupling,
N(M/F) with N(F) secondary.
Hewlett Packard 766D
Dual Directional Coupler ....$175
940 to 1975 MHz range, 20 dB coupling.
N(M/F) With N(F) secondary.
Hewlett Packard 767D
Directional Coupler..............$175
Frequency range of 1.9 to 4.0 GHz and a
20 dB coupling. Connections are N(M/F)
with N(F) outposts.
Hewlett Packard 774D
Dual Directional Coupler ....$350
0.215 to 0.450 GHz range, 20 dB coupling,
50 Watts power. One N(M) and three N(F)
Hewlett Packard 779D
Directional Coupler..............$975
Covers from 1.7 to 12.4 GHz. 20 ± 0.5 dB
coupling. Available with various connectors.
Hewlett Packard 786D
Directional Detector ............$200
Covers from 0.96-2.11 GHz. Sensitivity
(with respect to power) of 4 (μV/μW CW).
High level (power in mW to produce 100
mV out) of or = 35. Type N(F)/BNC(F) OUT
connectors, N(M) IN connector.
Hewlett Packard 787D
Directional Detector ............$200
Covers 1.9- 4.1 GHz frequency range.
Similar to 786D. Type “N” connectors.
Hewlett Packard 788C
Directional Detector ............$200
Frequency range from 3.7 to 8.3 GHz.
Sensitivity (with respect to power) of 40
(μV/μW CW). High level (power in mW to
produce 100 mV out) of or = 35. Type
N(F)/BNC(F) OUT connectors, N(M) IN connector.
Hewlett Packard 796D
Directional Coupler. .............$300
Covers from 0.96 to 2.11 GHz. Output
coupling of 20 ± 0.5 dB. Variation of ±0.2
dB. Minimum directivity of 26 dB. N(F/F)
connectors with N(M) takeoff, plus one port
Hewlett Packard 797D
Directional Coupler..............$300
1.9 to 4.1 GHz range, 20 dB. N(F/F) connectors
with N(M) takeoff, plus one port
Hewlett Packard 798C
Directional Coupler..............$300
3.7 to 8.3 GHz frequency range, 10 dB
nominal coupler ± 0.3 dB. 20 dB minimum
directivity. Type N(F/M) (primary line)
and N(F) (auxiliary arm) connectors.
Maury Microwave 4099E
Precision Directional
Coupler ...................................$395
Frequency range of 1 to 30 MHz. Handles
1000 Watts average power With APC-7 connectors,
-50 dB directivity from side port.
Meca 755-10-2
Precision Coupler .................$200
Frequency range of .5 to 1 GHz., 20 dB
nonimal coupling, 40 dB directivity, N(f)
connectors. Power Rating of 250 W.
Microwave Filter 2600-1
Directional Coupler..............$225
This unit has a frequency range of 1 to 2
GHz and a 40 dB coupling. HN(M/F) and
N(F) connections.
Microwave Filter 2600-3
Directional Coupler..............$225
Frequency range of 2 to 4 GHz With a coupling
of 40 dB. HN(M/F) and N(F) connections.
Narda 22117 Coaxial
Directional Coupler..............$200
7-11 GHz, 10 dB coupling factor, type N
Narda 22443
Directional Coupler..............$200
1100 to 1500 MHz range, 10 dB size, APC
7/N(F) primary connector, N(F) secondary
Narda 22538
Directional Coupler..............$200
3.85-8 GHz, 10 dB coupling factor, SMA
Narda 22758
Directional Coupler..............$200
1.7 to 4 GHz frequency range. 10 dB coupling.
Three N(F) connections.
Narda 22827A
Directional Coupler..............$200
3.85-8 GHz, 30 dB coupling factor, SMA
Narda 22876
Directional Coupler..............$200
3.85-8 GHz, 6 dB coupling factor, SMA
Narda 25264
Dual Directional Coupler ....$300
4-8 GHz, 20 dB coupling forward and
reverse, type N connectors.
Narda 3000-10
Directional Coupler..............$285
0.225 to 0.46 GHz frequency range. 10 dB
coupling. Type N(F) connectors.
Narda 3001-10
Directional Coupler..............$285
0.46 to 0.95 GHz, 10 dB coupling.
Narda 3002-10
Directional Coupler..............$285
.95 to 2 GHz frequency range, 10 dB coupling.
Three N(F) connectors.
Narda 3003-10
Directional Coupler..............$285
2-4 GHz frequency range, 10 dB coupling.
Three N(F) connectors.
Narda 3003-20
Directional Coupler..............$285
2 to 4 GHz frequency range, 20 dB coupling
size. N(F) connectors.
Narda 3003-30
Directional Coupler..............$285
2 to 4 GHz frequency range, 30 dB coupling
size. N(F) connectors.
Narda 3020A
Dual Directional Coupler ....$995
Covers 500 to 1000 MHz frequency range.
500 Watts CW power rating. 35 dB minimum
directivity. Nominal value of coupling
for forward and reverse arms of 20 dB.
Narda 3032
Hybrid Junction ....................$350
0.95 to 2 GHz range, 20 dB minimum isolation,
3 dB nominal coupling. Four N(F)
Coaxial Detectors &
Mounts Cont.
Hewlett Packard 11523A
Load Resistor ...........................$35
Feedthrough termination for Hewlett
Packard 420-Series detectors.
Hewlett Packard 442B
Coaxial Probe ........................$125
Use with 809 series carriage and slotted
lines over the 2.6 to 12.4 GHz range.
Hewlett Packard 444A
Coaxial Probe ........................$175
Untuned probe for 2-18 GHz range. For
sale with 809C carriage and slotted line
Hewlett Packard 446B
Broadband Detector ............$195
Covers from 18 to 40 GHz. Designed for
use with the 814B Carriage. Requires no
tuning. Price for the 446B Detector only.
Hewlett Packard 448A
Sweep Adapter......................$495
Frequency range of 1.8 to 18 GHz. 2 watts
power average.
Hewlett Packard 477B
Thermistor Mount...................$90
10 MHz to 10 GHz range. Works with
Hewlett Packard 430C power meters.
Hewlett Packard 8470A
Crystal Detector....................$195
Frequency range is .01 - 18.0 GHz. Input
connector is APC-7 output is BNC(F).
Hewlett Packard 8470B
Crystal Detector....................$250
Similar to HP8470A except uses a low barrier
Schottky Diode.
Hewlett Packard 8471D
Coaxial Detector ...................$195
Uses low barrier Schottky diodes to provide
excellent performance from 100 KHz
to 2 GHz. 1 watt power rating.
Hewlett Packard 8472A
Coaxial Detector ...................$175
.01 to 18 GHz range; point contact detector.
Connectors are SMA(m) to BNC(f).
Hewlett Packard 8472B
Coaxial Detector ...................$175
Similar to HP8472A except uses low barrier
Schottky diodes.
Hewlett Packard 8474B
Coaxial Detector ...................$185
.01 to 18 GHz range. Uses Planar Doped
Barrier Diode Detectors. Connectors are
N(m) to BNC(f).
Hewlett Packard 8484A
Power Sensor.........................$795
Used with HP 435,436,437,438,70100A
series power meters .01 to 18 GHz frequency
range. High Sensitivity of .1nW to
Jerrold D50U
.5-1200 MHz, BNC(F-F).
Mite-Q XT01-100
Detector .................................$150
Frequency range of 100 MHz. Type SMA(F)
output connector; +15 V input.
Narda 501BR
Crystal Detector ......................$79
.1-11 GHz, coaxial, built-in DC return,
Input: N(M); output: BNC(F), IN21 or IN23
diode used.
Polytechnic R & D 627A
Thermistor Mount...................$75
Coaxial type with N(F) input, BNC(F) output.
Recommended detector is Model 631HC.
Used with Model 6690 Peak Power Meter
over .5-10 GHz range.
Polytechnic R & D 628A
Bolometer Mount .................$100
0.5 to 10 GHz frequency range. Coaxial
type. N(F)/BNC(F) connectors.
Singer 1403
Crystal Detector....................$160
0.01 GHz-12.4 GHz, BNC(F)/N(M).
TRW Electronics 8434
Crystal Detector....................$175
Frequency range up to 10 GHz. Positive
out; type SMA(M/F) connectors.
Weinschel 926 Broadband
Barretter Mount....................$250
Frequency range of 50 MHz to 12.4 GHz.
Supplied with type 1191P-4 element
requiring 4.5 mA for 200 ? DC resistance.
50 ? impedance with type N input connector.
DC output to BNC(f) connector.
Couplers Cont.
Narda 3040-10
Directional Coupler..............$295
240-500 MHz frequency range, 10 dB coupling.
Three N(F) connectors.
Narda 3042-10
Directional Coupler..............$295
This unit features a frequency range of
0.95 to 2 GHz With a 10 dB coupling. N(F)
Narda 3043-10
Directional Coupler..............$295
Features a frequency range of 2 to 4 GHz
With a 10 dB coupling. N(F) connectors.
Narda 3043-20
Directional Coupler..............$295
2 to 4 GHz range, 20 dB coupling.
Maximally flat response (± 0.2 dB).
Narda 3043B10
Directional Coupler..............$325
1.7 to 4.2 GHz frequency range. 10 dB
coupling. Three N(F) connectors.
Narda 3043B20
Directional Coupler..............$325
1.7 to 4.2 GHz, 20 dB coupling. Three N(F)
Narda 3044-10
Directional Coupler..............$295
3.7 to 8.3 GHz frequency range, 10 dB
coupling. Three N(F) connectors.
Narda 3044-20
Directional Coupler..............$295
Covers from 4.0 to 8.0 GHz. Coupling of
20 dB. N(F) connectors.
Narda 3044-30
Directional Coupler.............$295
Covers from 4.0 to 8.0 GHz. Coupling of
30 dB. N(F) connectors.
Narda 3044B10
Directional Coupler..............$325
10 dB coupling, frequency range of 3.7 to
8.3 GHz, type N(F) connectors.
Narda 3044B20
Directional Coupler..............$325
Frequency range from 3.7 to 8.3 GHz.
Nominal coupling of 20 dB. Power rating
of 500 W average (incident), 10 kW peak.
Minimum directivity of 17 dB. Calibration
accuracy of ± 0.1(/10 dB step). Maximum
VSWR of 1.20 (main line); 1.25 (secondary
line). Three N(F) connectors.
Narda 3045B10
Directional Coupler..............$325
7 to 12.4 GHz range, 10 dB coupling,
maximally flat response (± 0.2 dB). N(F)
type connectors.
Narda 3045B20
Directional Coupler..............$325
7 to 12.4 GHz range, 20 dB coupling,
maximally flat response (± 0.2 dB). N(F)
type connectors.
Narda 3045C10
Directional Coupler..............$325
7 to 12.4 GHz frequency range. Maximally
flat response units with 10 dB nominal
coupling. Three N(F) connectors.
Narda 3045C20
Directional Coupler..............$325
7 to 12.4 GHz frequency range. Maximally
flat response units with 20 dB nominal
Narda 3045C30
Directional Coupler..............$325
7 to 12.4 GHz frequency range. Maximally
flat response units with 30 dB nominal
Narda 3072 High Directivity
Covers .95 to 2.2 GHz frequency range.
10 dB nominal coupling, 40 dB directivity.
Consists of coupler and adapters in a
Wooden case. Primary line connectors are
N(F)/APC7 and secondary line connectors
are N(F/F).
Narda 3075 High Directivity
Covers 7 to 12.4 GHz frequency range. 10
dB nominal coupling, 30-45 dB directivity.
Consists of coupler and adapters in a
wooden case. Primary line connectors are
N(F)/APC7 and secondary line connectors
are N(F/F).
Narda 3092
Directional Coupler..............$495
.95 to 2.2 GHz frequency range. 10 dB coupling.
Primary line connectors are
APC7/APC7 and secondary connector is N(F).
Narda 3093
Directional Coupler..............$495
1.7 to 4.2 GHz frequency range. 10 dB coupling.
Primary line connectors are
APC7/APC7 and secondary connector is N(F).
Narda 3094
Directional Coupler. .............$495
3.7 to 8.3 GHz frequency range. 10 dB
coupling. Primary line connectors are
APC7/APC7 and secondary line connector
is N(F).
Narda 3095
Directional Coupler. .............$495
7.0 to 12.4 GHz frequency range. 10 dB
coupling. Primary line connectors are
APC7/APC7 and secondary line connector
is N(F).
Narda 3096 High Directivity
Precision Coupler .................$495
7 to 18 GHz frequency range, 10 dB coupling,
25 dB directivity. 7mm connectors
on input/output ports.
Narda 3202B10
Directional Coupler..............$350
Covers from 1 to 12.4 GHz. Nominal coupling
of 10 dB. Directivity of 15 dB. VSWR
of 1.35 (main line) and 1.50 (secondary line).
Power rating of 20 W average; 3 kW peak.
Type N(F) connectors with N(F) takeoff.
Narda 3293-1 Broadband
Directional Coupler..............$650
Covers 1 to 12.4 GHz frequency range. 10
dB coupling, 30 dB directivity. Type N(M)
input connector and type N(F) output and
secondary connectors.
Narda 4012C10
Directional Coupler..............$225
1 to 2 GHz range, 10 dB coupling factor.
Three SMA(F) connectors, plus one port
Narda 4012C6
Directional Coupler..............$225
Covers f3rom 1 to 2 GHz. 6 dB coupling.
Insertion loss of 0.20 dB. 25 dB directivity.
Power rating of 50 W average incident; 3
kW peak. Three SMA(F) connectors, plus
one port terminated.
Narda 4012C20
Directional Coupler..............$225
1 to 2 GHz range, 20 dB coupling factor.
Three SMA(F) connectors, plus one port
Narda 4013C10
Directional Coupler..............$225
Covers from 2 to 4 GHz. 10 dB coupling.
Insertion loss of 0.20 dB. 22 dB directivity.
Power rating of 50 W average incident; 3
kW peak. Three SMA(F) connectors, plus
one port terminated.
Narda 4013C20
Directional Coupler..............$225
This unit has a frequency range of 2 to 4
GHz With a 20 dB coupling. Peak power @
3 kW. SMA(F).
Narda 4016D10
Directional Coupler..............$225
Features a frequency range of 12.4 to 18.0
GHz and a 10 dB coupling. Three SMA(F)
connectors and one terminator.
Narda 4031C
Directional Coupler..............$125
.5 to 1 GHz With a coupling of 3 dB, SMA
(F) connectors.
Narda 4202B10 Coaxial
Directional Coupler..............$400
Frequency range of 1 to 12.4 GHz. Coupling
10 dB; directivity 12 dB. Three SMA(F) connectors,
plus one port terminated.
Narda 4203-6
Directional Coupler..............$400
Covers from 2 to 18 GHz. 6 dB nominal
coupling. Directivity of 15 dB. True insertion
loss of 1.4 dB. Power rating of 20 W
average; 3 kW peak. Three SMA(F) connectors.
Narda 4203-10
Directional Coupler..............$400
Covers from 2 to 18 GHz. 10 dB nominal
coupling. Directivity of 15 dB. True insertion
loss of 1.4 dB. Power rating of 20 W
average; 3 kW peak. Three SMA(F) connectors.
Narda 4203-16
Directional Coupler..............$400
Covers from 2 to 18 GHz. 16 dB nominal
coupling. Directivity of 15 dB. True insertion
loss of 1.4 dB. Power rating of 20 W
average; 3 kW peak. Three SMA(F) connectors.
Narda 4242-20 Miniature
Stripline Directional
Coupler ...................................$225
.5 to 2 GHz, 20 dB, SMA connectors.
Narda 4246B10
Miniature Stripline
Directional Coupler..............$225
.6 to 18 GHz, 10 dB, SMA connectors.
Narda 5073 Precision
Directional Coupler..............$400
Coaxial dual directional coupler, 1.7 to 4.2
GHz. 10 dB nominal coupling, 27-37 dB
Narda 5074 Precision
Directional Coupler..............$400
Coaxial dual directional coupler, 3.7-8.3
GHz. 10 dB nominal coupling, 27-37 dB
Narda 5075 Precision
Directional Coupler..............$400
Coaxial dual directional coupler, 7 to 12.4
GHz. 10 dB nominal coupling, 27-37 dB
Narda 5082 High Directivity
Microwave Bridge.................$900
Covers 2 to 18 GHz frequency range.
Provides high accuracy reflectometer measurements
for broadband swept measurements.
Consists of precision SWR bridge
and stand and adapters.
Omni-Spectra 2020-6603-30
Directional Coupler..............$225
30 dB coupling, 25 dB directivity, .5-1.0
GHz range, SMA(F) connectors, 50 Watts
Sage Labs 754-3E
Hybrid Coupler......................$225
4 to 8 GHz range, 3 dB coupling ± 0.7 dB.
Minimum directivity is 17 dB. Insertion
loss is 0.3 dB. Maximum VSWR is 1.5:1.
Three N(F) connectors, plus one port terminated.
Sierra 640AZ
Directional Coupler..............$165
100-1200 MHz, 60-41 dB coupling (6 dB
change per freq. octave), N(M/F) with N(M)
& N(F) takeoffs.
Sierra 642AZ
Directional Coupler..............$195
30-1000 MHz, 58-28 dB coupling (6 dB
change per freq. octave), N(M/F) with N(M)
& N(F) takeoffs.
Sierra 644AZ
Directional Coupler..............$195
3-300 MHz, 61-21 dB coupling (6 dB
change per freq. octave), N(M/F) with N(M)
& N(F) takeoffs.
Wavecom C901-4 Precision
High Directivity Coupler .....$400
3.7 to 8.3 GHz frequency range, 10 dB
nominal coupling. Type APC-7 and N connectors.
Wavecom C910-30
Directional Coupler..............$250
3.7-8.4 GHz, 30 dB, N(F).
Wavecom S902-6 Precision
High Directivity Coupler......$400
2.18 to 2.38 GHz frequency range, 10 dB
nominal coupling. Type APC-7 and N connectors.
Wavecom S910-30
Directional Coupler..............$250
2-4 GHz, 30 dB, N(F).
Wavecom X901-1 Precision
High Directivity Coupler .....$400
7 to 12.4 GHz frequency range, 10 dB
nominal coupling. Type APC-7 and N connectors.
Wavecom X910-30
Directional Coupler..............$250
30 dB coupling factor. Covers from 7.0 to
12.4 GHz. N(F), N(F), With N(F) takeoff.
Wavecom L901A9 Precision
Directional Coupler..............$365
1.0-2 GHz frequency range, 10 dB nominal
Coupling. Type APC7 and N connectors.
Wavecom P901-9 Precision
Directional Coupler..............$365
.5 to 1.0 GHz frequency range, 10 dB
nominal Coupling. Type APC7 and N connectors.
Wavecom U901-9 Precision
Directional Coupler .............$365
Frequency range of .1 to .5 GHz, 10 dB
Anaren 40274 0
Power Divider........................$100
.5-1 GHz 4-port all SMA(f) 0.6 dB loss
20 dB isolation.
Anzac T1000
Power Splitter ..........................$95
10-1000 MHz, 25 dB min. isolation.
Anzac THV50
Power Divider ..........................$95
Covers 2 to 200 MHz. Insertion loss of
0.5 dB maximum (above 3 dB power split).
Isolation of 30 dB minimum (ports C to D).
Type SMA(F) connectors.
Anzac TU50
Power Divider ..........................$75
Covers 20 to 400 MHz. Insertion loss of
0.5 dB maximum (above 3 dB power split).
Isolation of 30 dB minimum (ports C to D).
Type SMA(F) connectors.
Hybrid Ring..............................$95
Frequency range of 4400 to 5000 MHz.
Minimum isolation of 25 dB. 3.5 dB insertion
loss. 50 ? impedance. 500 watts
average power, 5 kW peak power.
Resistive Power Divider .........$95
Covers from 250 to 750 MHz. Impedance
of 50 ?; power rating of 200 W. Overall
length of 13.4 inches. Type BNC(M/F).
Reactive Power Divider..........$95
2 Port 250-750 MHz N(m) 2N(f).
Reactive Power Divider..........$95
2 Port 0.5-1.5 GHz N(m) 2N(f).
Resistive Power Divider .........$95
3 Port DC-2 GHz N(f) 3N(f).
Power Divider ..........................$95
2050 to 2450 MHz frequency range, 50 ?
impedance. 100 watts average power,
3 kW peak. Load isolation of 6-30 dB.
Loss to either output is 0.3 to 30 dB. Type
N(F) connectors. Auxiliary line connector is
type N(F).
Merrimac PD80-17
8-Way Power Divider ...........$150
1-200 MHz, all connections are BNC(F).
Merrimac PDM20-1100
Power Divider........................$150
Frequency range from 200 to 2000 MHz in
two bandwidths (500-1500 MHz and 200-
2000 MHz). Minimum isolation of 23 dB
(for 500-1500 MHz) and 15 dB (for 200-
2000 MHz). Power rating of 2 W. Type
SMA(F) connectors.
Merrimac PDM20-165
2-Way Power Divider ...........$150
330 MHz range with SMA(F) connectors.
Merrimac PDM20-250
Power Divider........................$150
Frequency range covers from 5 to 500 MHz.
Minimum isolation of 25 dB. Power rating
of 1 W. Type SMA(F) connectors.
Merrimac PDM30-55
3-Way Power Divider ...........$125
Frequency range of 1-100 MHz, SMA(F)
Narda 25814
8-Way Power Divider ...........$175
10-14 GHz, connectors are SMA(F), 23?4” x
23?4” x 1?2”.
Coaxial Filters
Bird 5423
Low Pass Filter .........................$60
400 MHz cutoff.
Low Pass Filter .........................$60
7 GHz cutoff. N(M/F) connectors.
High Pass Filter........................$60
5.4 GHz cutoff, TNC(M/F) connections.
Low Pass Filter .........................$65
Cut-off frequency of 3000 MHz. N(M/F).
Low Pass Filter .........................$65
Medium power unit with cut-off frequency
of 5000 MHz. Maximum VSWR is 1.30.
Four inches in length.
Low Pass Filter .........................$65
Cut-off frequency of 6000 MHz. Maximum
VSWR of 1.40. Power rating of 50 W
average; 4 kW peak. Maximum insertion
loss of 0.2 dB (over 300 MHz). Impedance
of 50 ?. Type N(M/F) connectors.
Low Pass Filter .........................$65
Cutoff frequency of 200 MHz. Miniature
size. Type N(M/F) connectors.
Low Pass Filter .........................$65
Cutoff frequency of 300 MHz. Miniature
size. Type N(M/F) connectors.
Low Pass Filter .........................$65
Cutoff frequency of 500 MHz. Miniature
size. Type N(M/F) connectors.
Low Pass Filter .........................$90
700 MHz cutoff. 50 ? impedance. Power
rating of 1 kW peak. TNC(M/F) connectors.
Low Pass Filter .........................$90
1000 MHz cutoff; 50 ohm impedance;
power rating of 1 kW peak; TNC(M/F)
Hewlett Packard 11688A
Low Pass Filter.......................$225
2.8 GHz cutoff frequency. Rejection greater
than 40 dB. Type N(M/F) connectors.
Hewlett Packard 11697A
Band Pass Filter.....................$290
512- 674 MHz pass band, 20 dB attenuation
below 337 MHz and above 768-3000
MHz, N(M/F) connector.
Hewlett Packard 11697B
Band Pass Filter.....................$290
674-890 MHz pass band, 20 dB attenuation
below 445 MHz and above 1011-3000
MHz, N(M/F) connector
Hewlett Packard 360A
Low Pass Filter.......................$250
700 MHz, N (M/F) connectors.
Hewlett Packard 360C
Low Pass Filter.......................$250
2200 MHz cutoff frequency; N(M/F) connectors.
I-Tel Inc. FLT/2-55-7/50-28A/28A
Low Pass Filter .........................$85
Cutoff of 55 MHz. SMA(F/F).
I-Tel Inc. FLT/2-600
Low Pass Filter .........................$85
Cutoff frequency of 600 MHz. Power rating
of 20 W. Type SMA(F/F) connectors.
K & L Microwave
TNF200/400-5N Tunable
Band Reject Filter .................$450
Covers 200- 400 MHz band with 3 dB
bandwidth of
3- 7 MHz. Up to
50 dB notch,
N connectors.
CR200HIB High Pass Filter....$75
2.0 GHz cutoff frequency, type “N”
RLC Electronics F30-12.4N
Low Pass Filter.......................$125
Pass band of DC to 12400 MHz. Type N
Telonic Engineering TBP650-3AB
Bandpass Filter........................$75
Center frequency of 650 MHz, bandwidth
of 30 MHz, three sections, minimum attenuation
of 20 dB, nominal impedance of 50,
type BNC (M/F) connectors.
Texscan 5BC80/4KL
Bandpass Filter........................$75
Center frequency of 850 MHz, 3 dB bandwidth,
50 MHz, 18 W.
Coaxial Frequency
Frequency Meter ..................$350
This reaction type, direct reading unit covers
the 1 to 4 GHz range with 0.1% overall
accuracy. N(M/F) type connectors.
Frequency Meter ..................$350
Direct reading unit covering 3.95 to 11
GHz range with ± 0.1% accuracy. N(M/F)
Hewlett Packard 537A
Frequency Meter ..................$795
Frequency range is 3.7 to 12.4 GHz with
0.17% overall accuracy. Direct reading.
N(F) connectors.
Hewlett Packard 536A
Frequency Meter ..................$995
Direct-reading unit covering 960-4200
MHz. 0.17% overall accuracy. Type N(F)
Polytechnic R & D CX518
Coaxial Frequency Meter ....$350
A broad-band, direct reading unit operating
over the 3.7-12.4 GHz range. Overall accuracy
to ± 0.17%. Type N(F) connectors.
Polytechnic R & D
Similar in design to HP
536A. Covers 960 to
4000 MHz range.
Coaxial Impedance
Anzac RB1-50
VSWR Bridge..........................$135
3-1500 MHz 50 ?.
FXR B200A Line Probe........$125
1 to 12.4 GHz frequency range, tunable
type, uses 1N23 crystal.
FXR HR12N DC Block.............$80
Frequency range covers from 1000 to
5000 MHz. Power rating of 50 W average.
Maximum insertion loss of 0.2 dB. Type
N(M/F) connectors.
FXR S1-15T
Single Stub Tuner....................$95
Frequency range from 1.5 to 6.0 GHz.
TNC(M/F) connectors.
FXR SU05N Fixed Line...........$75
Used to extend the low frequency range of
the SR or ST Line Stretchers. Frequency
range from DC to 12.4 GHz. Power rating
of 500 W average, 5 kW peak. 12 inch
insertion length. N(M/F) connectors.
Fixed Line .................................$75
Used to extend the low frequency range of
the SR or ST Line Stretchers. Frequency
range from DC to 12.4 GHz. Power rating
of 500 W average, 5 kW peak. 12 inch
insertion length. TNC(M/F) connectors.
Fixed Line .................................$75
Used to extend low frequency range of SR
or ST Line Stretchers. Frequency range
from DC to 12.4 GHz. Insertion length of 4
inches. TNC(M/F) connectors.
General Radio 874 D20L
Adjustable Stub ....................$125
Maximum travel of 20 cm. Locking
General Radio 874L20L
Air Line......................................$75
Length of 20 cm. Locking connectors.
General Radio 874LK20L
Constant Impedance Line...$550
Frequency range of DC-7 GHz. 50 ?
impedance. 20 cm length.
General Radio 874LTL
Adjustable Line..................$1,350
Line stretcher with adjustment range of
44 cm. Physical length of 61 to 83 cm.
General Radio 874U
“U” line section........................$90
General Radio 874TL
Tee ...........................................$185
Tee adapter with locking connectors.
General Radio 900L30
30CM Air Line ........................$300
50 ? precision airline with a 900 BT connector
on each end. Electrical length is 30 cm.
General Radio 900LB
Slotted Line .........................$1295
Precision unit with 300 MHz to 9 GHz
range, 50 ? impedance ± 0.1%, and
50 cm probe travel. A basic instrument for
most precise SWR measurements.
General Radio 900LK10
Constant Impedance Line...$695
Frequency range of DC to 7 GHz. 50 ?
impedance. 2,500 V maximum.
General Radio 900LZ5
Reference Air Line ................$500
Frequency range from DC to 9 GHz.
Impedance of 50 ? ±0.050%. Electrical
length of 4.997 cm. Capacitance value of
3.3333 pF. Physical length of 21?8 to 55
mm. Mates with G-R 900 connectors.
General Radio 900LZ6
Reference Air Line ................$650
Frequency range from DC to 9 GHz.
Impedance of 50 ? ±0.050%. Electrical
length of 5.996 cm. Capacitance value of
4.000 pF. Mates with G-R 900 connectors.
General Radio 900LZ7H
Reference Air Line ................$650
Frequency range from DC to 9 GHz.
Impedance of 50 ? ±0.050%. Electrical
length of 7.496 cm. Capacitance value of
5.0 pF. Physical length of 5.5 to 160 mm.
Mates with G-R900 connectors.
General Radio 900WR110
Standard Mismatch..............$250
SWR of 1.1 nominal; 45.45 ? resistance.
General Radio 900WR120
Standard Mismatch..............$250
SWR of 1.2 nominal; 41.67 ? resistance.
General Radio 900WR150
Standard Mismatch..............$250
SWR of 1.5 nominal; 1,33.33 ? resistance.
Hewlett Packard 805C
Slotted Line ........................$1,250
A complete slotted line system with probe.
Frequency range of 500 MHz to 4 GHz. 1.04
residual SWR. Type N(M/F) connectors.
Hewlett Packard 806B
Slotted Line Section.............$145
Mounts in 809 series carriage. 3 to 12
GHz range. 1.04 residual SWR. Length is
10 inches. Type N(M/F) connectors.
Hewlett Packard 809B
Universal Carriage ................$195
Accepts 806B or 810 series slotted
Hewlett Packard 809C
Universal Carriage ................$400
Later model version of 809B.
Hewlett Packard 814B
Carriage ..................................$595
Designed for use with the HP K815B and
R815B sections and 446B probe.
Equipped with a dial indicator for accurate
Hewlett Packard 816A
Slotted Line............................$725
Covers from 1.8 to 18 GHz. Use with 809
Carriage, 447B or 448A/B Detector Probes.
Hewlett Packard 816A/022
Coaxial Slotted Line .............$675
Frequency range is 1.8 - 18 GHz. Use with
809C carriage and 447B probe.
Connectors are N(F) and N(M).
Hewlett Packard 905A
Sliding Load...........................$300
Features a frequency range of 1.8 to
18 GHz. 1.05 SWR. 1 W average, 5 kW
maximum power. Interchangeable connectors
feature N(F), N(M) and APC-7.
Hewlett Packard 911A
Coaxial Sliding Load ............$250
2-18 GHz range, 1 watt, connectors are
SMA(F) & SMA (M).
Hewlett Packard 11558A
Baseplate .................................$25
For use with the HP 817A Slotted Line.
Hewlett Packard 11566A
Air Line Extension.................$160
Frequency range from DC to 18 GHz.
Impedance of 50 ?. Reflection coefficient
of 0.018 +01 (frequency in GHz). Type
APC7 connectors. Length of 10 cm.
Hewlett Packard 11567A
Air Line Extension.................$160
Frequency range from DC to 18 GHz.
Impedance of 50 ?. Reflection coefficient
of .018 +01(frequency in GHz). Type APC7
connectors. Length of 20 cm.
Hewlett Packard 11588A
Swivel Adapter......................$325
DC-12.4 GHz frequency range.
APC7 connectors.
Hewlett Packard 11606A
Rotary Air Line ......................$325
DC- 12.4 GHz frequency range.
APC7 connectors.
Polytechnic R & D 205A
Slotted Line............................$300
4-10 GHz. Type N(M/F) connections.
Polytechnic R & D 215A
Slotted Line............................$300
1 to 4 GHz range, 50 ? impedance.
143?8 inches in length. Accepts various
coaxial adapters.
Polytechnic R & D 250A
Tunable Probe.......................$175
1 to 12.4 GHz range. Use with slotted
Spencer-Kennedy Labs 290
DC Block ...................................$50
Sperry 636
Adjustable Short...................$160
700 MHz to 4 GHz.
Weinschel DS109L
Double Stub Tuner ...............$395
Covers from 0.4 to 4 GHz, type N(F)
Weinschel DS109LL Double
Stub Tuner..............................$395
Variable RF impedance transformers.
Provides matching over 200 to 2000 MHz
range. Length of stub travel is 76 cm.
50 ? impedance, type N connectors.
Coaxial Mixers, Doublers
& Modulators
Anzac D5-4
30 MHz to 2.1 GHz in; 60 MHz to 4.2 GHz
out. Conversion loss of 13 dB maximum at
30 mW input. Type SMA(F) connectors.
Engelman MLKA37
Mixer .........................................$79
Frequency range of 3.7 to 4.2 GHz. IF of
100 MHz. Insertion loss of 7.5 dB.
Isolation of 18 dB. Local oscillator power
of +7 dBm. SMA connectors.
Preselector .............................$125
Type N(M/F) connectors.
Preselector .............................$125
Type N(M/F) connectors.
Hewlett Packard 934A
Mixer .......................................$300
Harmonic type unit covering 2 to 12.4 GHz
frequency range. Maximum power input is
100 mW. Sensitivities of -48 dBm (3.5
GHz) and -25 dBm (10 GHz).
Merrimac DMM2-250
Double Balanced Mixer .......$150
Frequency range 1-500 MHz, loss <7.5
dB, isolation 45 dB, SMA(F) connectors.
Narda 61A1-52
Mixer .......................................$100
Covers from 1.0 to 2.0 GHz. Noise figure
of 8.0 dB. VSWR of 1.5. 6 dB isolation.
Type N(F) input, and BNC(F/F) output connectors.
Relcom H2
Hybrid Mixer ............................$80
0.5 to 120 MHz frequency range. BNC(F)
type connectors.
Sage Labs 2531
Balance Crystal Mixer ..........$100
Mixer features a frequency range of 2 to
4 GHz. RF/LO: N(F); IF: 2 each BNC(F).
Sage Labs 2533
Balance Hybrid Mixer ..........$100
2-4 GHz range, single output. Single BNC
IF output connector.
Hewlett Packard 8732A
Pin Modulator .......................$300
Frequency range from 1.8 to 4.5 GHz;
dynamic range of 35 dB. Max. residual
attenuation of 1.5 dB. Typical rise time of
40 nS. Typical decay time of 30 nS. Max.
SWR of 1.8. Forward bias input resistance
of 300 ?. Type N(F) RF connector.
Hewlett Packard 8733A
Modulator ..............................$300
3.7 to 8.3 GHz, 35 dB dynamic range.
Hewlett Packard 8733B
Pin Modulator........................$300
3.7 to 8.3 GHz, 80 dB dynamic range.
Hewlett Packard 8734B
Pin Modulator .......................$300
7 to 12.4 GHz, 80 dB dynamic range.
Hewlett Packard 33000D
Pin Modulator .......................$400
Covers 1 to 4 GHz with a minimum isolation
of 65 dB; 1 to 2 GHz and 80 dB; 2 to
4 GHz. Maximum control current of 400
mA, SMA connectors.
Hewlett Packard 33001D Pin
Absorptive Modulator .........$400
Covers 8-18 GHz. On-Off ratio of 80 dB.
Matched at all attenuations.
Hewlett Packard 33008D
Pin Modulator .......................$400
3.7 to 8 GHz, minimum isolation of 80 dB.
Maximum control current of 400 mA, SMA
Amphenol 303-10167-3
Coaxial Switch .........................$85
SP2T switch type. Frequency range of DC
to 12.4 GHz. Coil voltage of 28 DC. Type
N(F) connections.
Amphenol 315-10053-2
Coaxial Relay............................$85
Frequency range of DC to 1.5 GHz. Switch
type is SPDT. Coil voltage is 12 DC; N(F).
Automate 94CSA2/2-198
Coaxial Switch .........................$90
2P2T type switch. 28 VDC. N(F/F) input
connectors, hardwire output.
Daico 100C1284A
Switch .....................................$125
Type SP4T switch. Usable frequency from
10 to 600 MHz (rated frequency from 20 to
600 MHz). Switching speed of 0.5 μS.
Minimum isolation of 70 dB. Maximum
insertion loss of 1.4 dB. Maximum VSWR
of 1.25. Type TTL control. Type SMA(F)
Daico 100D0583
Switch .....................................$100
Type SP3T switch. Usable frequency range
from 5 to 800 MHz (rated frequency range
from 30 to 300 MHz). Switching speed of
2.0 μS. Minimum isolation of 50 dB.
Maximum insertion loss of 0.5 dB.
Maximum VSWR of 1.25. Type TTL control.
Type SMA(F/F) connectors.
Danbury-Knudsen CR56BN
RF Switch ..................................$80
2P2T switch type. Operates in the DC to
2 GHz frequency range. Coil voltage is
26 DC. Connection type is BNC(F).
Decibel Products 2SF2001A
SPDT 28 V. 3 SMA(f).
Dow Key 491-101
Coaxial Switch .......................$125
SP8T relay, used SMA(f) connectors,
24 VDC.
Dynatech D1-413A3
Switch .....................................$125
SPDT switch with SMA connectors, solder
terminals, 28 VDC, failsafe, DC to 18 GHz.
Dynatech D1-419D180T
Switch .....................................$100
Covers from DC to 3 GHz; 28 VDC; three
SMA(F) connectors.
FXR 300-10323
Coaxial Switch .......................$125
SP2T switch type. Frequency range of DC
to 2 GHz. Coil voltage is 28 DC.
Connections are TNC(F).
FXR 317-010303-3
Coaxial Switch .........................$95
26 VDC 2 position 3C(f).
FXR 317-10242-3
Coaxial Switch .........................$90
26 VDC 2 position 3N(f).
FXR 325-011635-3
Coaxial Switch .......................$150
26 VDC 6 position all BNC(f).
FXR 327-010562-3
Transfer Switch........................$95
Coaxial transfer switch with type N(F) connectors,
24-28 VDC.
Hewlett Packard 8761ASeries
Coaxial Switches ...................$250
SPDT break-before-make, Frequency
range DC - 18 GHz, 10 watts, coils 12-15
VDC. We can configure the input and output
connectors in any combination of the
following connector types: N(F), N(M),
APC-7, SMA(F), SMA(M), or 50 ? termination.
Hewlett Packard 8761A/115
Coaxial Switch .......................$250
SPDT, DC- 18 GHz, Actuator 12-15 VDC,
N(M), N(M) at ports 1 and 2, SMA(F) connector-
port 3.
Hewlett Packard 8761A/275
Coaxial Switch .......................$250
Features a frequency range of DC to 18 GHz.
Average power of 10 W with a 5 kW peak.
50 ? impedance. Termination built in at 2
W average with a 100 W peak. 35 to 50 mS
switching speed. APC7 at port 1; termination
on port 2; SMA(f) at port 3.
Hewlett Packard 8761A/335
Coaxial Switch .......................$250
SPDT, DC- 18 GHz, Actuator 12-15 VDC,
APC7 at ports 1 and 2, SMA(F) connectorport
Hewlett Packard 8761A/550
Coaxial Switch .......................$250
SPDT, DC- 18 GHz, Actuator 12-15 VDC,
SMA(F) at ports 1 and 2, N(F) at connector-
port 3.
Hewlett Packard 8761A/555
Coaxial Switch .......................$250
SPDT. Frequency range DC-18 GHz.
Actuator 12-15 VDC. Connectors are
Hewlett Packard 8761B Series
Coaxial Switches ...................$250
SPDT break-before-make, Frequency
range DC - 18 GHz, 10 watts, coils 24-30
VDC. We can configure the input and output
connectors in any combination of the
following connector types: N(F), N(M),
APC-7, SMA(F), SMA(M), or 50 ? termination.
Hewlett Packard 8761B/222
Coaxial Switch .......................$250
SPDT type. Covers DC to 18 GHz. Rated
at 10 W average; 5 kW peak. Built-in termination
rated at 2 W average; 100 W
peak. Solenoid voltages (DC or pulsed) of
24 to 30 V. Ports 1, 2, and 3: APC7 with
threaded sleeve.
Hewlett Packard 8761B/223
Coaxial Switch .......................$250
SPDT type. Covers DC to 18 GHz. Rated
at 10 W average; 5 kW peak. Built-in termination
rated at 2 W average; 100 W
peak. Solenoid voltages (DC or pulsed) of
24 to 30 V. Ports 1 and 2: APC7 with
threaded sleeve. Port 3: APC7 with coupling
Hewlett Packard 8761B/223
Coaxial Switch .......................$250
SPDT type. Covers DC to 18 GHz. Rated
at 10 W average; 5 kW peak. Built-in termination
rated at 2 W average; 100 W
peak. Solenoid voltages (DC or pulsed) of
24 to 30 V. Ports 1, 2, and 3 all SMA(f).
Hewlett Packard 33104A
Miniature Switch...................$175
SPST; 0.1 to 12 GHz; SMA(F) connectors.
Hewlett Packard 33122A
Switch .....................................$225
SPST, 100 MHz - 15 GHz. Connections are
Hewlett Packard 33224B/120
Coaxial Switch .......................$150
SPST; 2-4 GHz; control BNC(f); N(m/F)
main connectors.
Hewlett Packard 59307A
VHF Switch2...........................$760
Provides two single pole 4-throw switches
controlled from front panel pushbuttons or
remotely from the HP-IB, covers from DC
to 500 MHz, 50 ?.
HP Associates 3571
Solid State Switch.................$125
Pin diode SPST switch. N(F) connectors.
Jennings R1G4389X24K00
Vacuum Switch......................$350
SPST switch designed for high voltages
and currents. Rated for 50 KVdc and 50
Amps current. Connections are by copper
MBF Microwave 3616-1-4/I
Switch .....................................$150
6-throw, 28 VDC, SMA(F).
Microwave Associates
7528DMQ Switch.................$150
SP3T switch with 28 VDC Failsafe type
actuation. Operates from DC to 10.0 GHz.
Maximum VSWR = 1.20 + 0.03 x Frequency
(GHz). Nominal isolation of 60 dB.
Maximum insertion loss of 0.50 dB (from
8.0 to 10.0 GHz). Power rating of 50 W
(from DC to 3.0 GHz). Type SMA connectors.
Switching time of 0.025 S maximum.
Microwave Associates
7530PMD Switch..................$150
SP2T switch with 28 VDC Failsafe (50 ?)
type actuation. Operates from DC to
18.0 GHz. Maximum VSWR = 1.20 +
0.025 x Frequency (GHz). Nominal isolation
of 60 dB (from 12.4 to 18.0 GHz).
Maximum insertion loss of 0.50 dB (from
12.4 to 18.0 GHz). Maximum power rating
of 60 W (from DC to 4.0 GHz). Switching
time of 0.02 S. Type SMA connectors.
Neico Microwave 5037
Coaxial Switch .......................$550
DP transfer. Operates in the DC to 3 GHz
frequency range. 15?8” flange connection.
Quantatron CS02N10-5
Coaxial Switch .........................$75
SP - normally open. Frequency range DC-
10 GHz. Actuator 20 VDC. N(F) connectors.
RLC Electronics SR2MINDI
Switch .....................................$100
Type SP2T switch. Frequency range from
DC to 18.0 GHz. Maximum insertion loss
of 0.3 dB (from 12.4 to 18.0 GHz).
Maximum VSWR of 1.50 (from 12.4 to 18.0
GHz). Minimum isolation of 60 dB (from
12.4 to 18 GHz). Features remote operation,
outboard mountings, 28 VDC, and
indicators. Type SMA(F/F) connectors.
RLC Electronics SR6MIND
Switch .....................................$150
Type SP6T switch. Frequency range from
DC to 18.0 GHz. Maximum insertion loss of
0.50 dB (from 12.4 to 18.0 GHz). Maximum
VSWR of 1.50 (from 12.4 to 18.0 GHz).
Minimum isolation of 60 dB (from DC to 18
GHz). Remote operation, 28 VDC, failsafe
switch. Type SMA(F/F) connectors.
Sage Labs STB2180A1
SPDT Switch...........................$105
DC to 5 GHz, 500 W average at 1 GHz,
BNC (F) connectors.
Sage Labs STB2180A3
3P2T Switch ...........................$250
Specs same as the A1 (Three units
Sage Labs STB2180A
3P2T, BNC (F) connectors, manual throw.
Teledyne CS33S6C24
Switch .....................................$100
SPDT, DC-22 GHz, Actuator 28 VDC,
Latching, SMA(F) Connectors.
Thompson C4N4AB
SP4T, DC-11 GHz, 50 ?, Actuator 24 VDC,
N(F) Connectors.
Transco Products 146C70100
RF Switch................................$100
SMA connectors; 6-pole switch; 28 VDC
Transco Products 710C73400
Transfer Switch........................$95
Operates in the DC to 12.4 frequency
range. 2P2T switch. SMA(F) connections.
Transco Products 800C30100
Coaxial Switch. ........................$90
SPDT, latching type. Frequency range DC-
6.5 GHz. Actuator 28 VDC. Three TNC(F)
Transco Products 919C70100
SPDT, DC-12.4 GHz, Actuator 28 VDC,
SMA(F) connectors.
Transco Products 11300
Coaxial Switch .........................$75
Operates in the Dc to 11 GHz frequency
range. SPDT switch type. Coil voltage is
28 DC. N(F) connections.
Transco Products 11100
Coaxial Switch .........................$75
SPDT switch type. Operates in the DC to
11 GHz frequency range. Coil voltage is
28 DC. N(F) connection type.s
Manufacturer Model Power(w) Impedance(Z) Frequency(GHz) Input Conn. Price
Hewlett Packard H-P11593A 0.5 50 — BNC (F) $150
Omni-Spectra ONS1001-6115-00 0.5 50 DC-18 GHz OSM Plug $90
Omni-Spectra ONS2001-6116-00 0.5 50 DC-18 GHz OSM jack $90
Weinschel WEIM1406A 0.5 50 DC-18 GHz SMA(F) $25
Emco EMOT170M 1 50 DC-1.0 SMA(F) $50
Sierra SIE160-1FNZ 1 50 DC-110 N(F) $110
FXR FXRTA5MN 2 50 DC-12.4 N(M) $50
FXR FXRTAC06 2 75 DC-12.4 N(M) $50
Midwest Mic. MWM2057 2 50 DC-18 GHz SMA(M) $75
Bird BRD80CM 5 50 DC-1 (F) C(M) $60
Bird BRD80F 5 50 DC-0.4 N(F) $60
Narda NAR370TNCM 5 50 DC-10.0 TNC(M) $130
FXR FXRTC6FN 10 50 2-18GHz N(f) $75
Narda NAR371NM 10 50 2.0-12.4 N(M) $150
Narda NAR4375GF 10 50 DC-18.0 SMA(F) $95
Omni-Spectra ONS2001-6010-00 10 50 DC-18 GHz OSM Plug $95
FXR FXRTB6MN 20 50 DC-6GHz N(M) $50
Bird BRD8085 50 50 DC-3.5GHz N(M) $85
Bird BRD8363 50 50 DC-8GHz N(F) $285
Bird BRD8363NM 50 50 DC-8GHz N(M) $285
Bird BRD811152 500 — DC - LC (F) $195
Narda NAR368NM 500 50 2.0-12.4 N(M) $400
Narda NAR368BNF 500 50 2-18GHz N(F) $600
Narda NAR368BNM 500 50 2-18GHz N(M) $600
Narda NAR368NF 500 50 2-12.4GHz N(F) $600
Bird BRD8431 600 50 DC-2.5GHz N(F) $475
Altronics ATS5725A 25000 50 DC-1.8 3 1/8”EIA $695
General Radio 900W50 1 50 DC-8.5GHz GR900 $300
General Radio 900W100 1 100 DC-8.5GHz GR900 $300
General Radio 900W150 1 150 DC-8.5GHz GR900 $300
General Radio 900W200 1 200 DC-8.5GHz GR900 $300
Polytechnic R&D PRD1106A — 50 — PRD 219 $75
Radar Design RDSD1035 — — 1 To 12.4 Ghz Termination $80
Short and Open Circuit Terminations
Manufacturer Model Position of short or open circuit plane Input Conn Price
General Radio G-R900WN4 Short-Circuit is 4cm from mating plate 900 $300
General Radio G-R900WO Open-Circuit 900 $175
General Radio G-R900WO4 Open-Circuit is 4cm from mating plate 900 $425
Waveguide to ‘N’ Adapter
WR770. Frequency range is
0.96 to 1.50 GHz.
Systron Donner
Standard Gain Horn
WR770. Frequency range is
0.96 to 1.50 GHz.
Systron Donner
Waveguide to ‘N’ Adapter
WR650. Frequency range is
1.12 to 1.70 GHz.
Systron Donner
Standard Gain Horn
WR650. Frequency range
is 1.12 to 1.70 GHz.
Systron Donner
Waveguide To ‘N’
WR430. Frequency range
is 1.70 to 2.60 GHz.
Systron Donner
Standard Gain Horn
WR430. Frequency range
is 1.70 to 2.60 GHz.
Coaxial Misc. Equipment
Andrew 1060
90 Degree Miter Elbow........$145
7?8 inch EIA line size.
Andrew 15093A2
31?8” EIA Inner Connector.
DC Block ...................................$70
Covers from 7 to 18 GHz. Maximum
insertion loss of 0.3 dB. Power rating of
25 W average, 1 kW peak. Type N(M/F)
General Radio 874EL
90 degree; 874 connectors.
General Radio 874R22LA
Cable .........................................$55
General Purpose RG58C/U cable; 50 ?
impedance; 3 foot length.
General Radio 874VI
Voltmeter Indicator..............$110
General Radio 874 VQL
Voltmeter Detector ..............$125
General Radio 900ELS1
Sharp bend, 90 degrees. G-R 900
Hewlett Packard 08640-60501
RFI Antenna ...........................$100
1 inch RFI antenna, BNC connector.
Hewlett Packard 11024A
TEE Connector .........................$50
Type “N” connectors.
Hewlett Packard 11855A 75 ?
Type “N”Accessory Kit .........$225
Provides the RF connecting hardware generally
required for measurement of devices
with 75 ? type N connectors using the HP
85044B, 85046B or 11850D. Kit contains
two 75 ? type N(M) barrels, two N(F) barrels,
a 75 ? N(F) short, a 75 ? N(M) short,
a 75 ? N(M) termination, and storage case.
Hewlett Packard 33005A
Comb Generator ...................$200
Optimized for 1 GHz input at 0.5 W.
Produces flat spectra to 12.4 GHz. SMA
Merrimac QHM6-225
3 dB Quadrature Hybrid......$100
Frequency range 50-400 MHz, phase balance
90 deg, isolation >15 dB.
Military MX1782
Coaxial Fuse Holder ...............$50
Type N(F) and N(M) connectors.
Transco Products 9D31100
Spiral Antenna ......................$250
0.5-2.0 GHz, 2.5:1 max VSWR, circular
polarization, SMA connector.
Transco Products 402-19500-01
Same general antenna as 9D31100 above.
.5-2.0 GHz frequency range.
Weinschel 936N
Noise Suppressor....................$95
Maximum insertion loss of 1 dB. 10 MHz to
12.4 GHz range. Type N(M/F) connectors.
Hewlett Packard 11542A
Waveguide Holder..................$30
For use with the HP 11540A waveguide
Hewlett Packard G281A
Coaxial Adapter ....................$110
Hewlett Packard G347A
Noise Source..........................$300
Type UG149A/149 flanges.
Hewlett Packard G375A
Variable Attenuator .............$235
0-20 dB flap type unit. Type UG149A/149A
Hewlett Packard G382A
Variable Attenuator .............$900
Precision, 0-50 dB, direct-reading; Rotary
Vane type. Type UG149A/149A flanges.
Hewlett Packard G424A
Detector Mount ....................$200
Hewlett Packard G485B
Tunable Detector Mount.....$110
Hewlett Packard G486A
Thermistor Mount ................$375
For HP 431 and 432 series meters.
Hewlett Packard G532A
Frequency Meter ..................$500
Direct-reading from 3.95 to 5.85 GHz. Dial
accuracy is 0.033%, overall accuracy is
0.065%. Calibration increments of 1 MHz.
UG407/U equivalent flange.
Hewlett Packard G752A
Directional Coupler..............$300
3 dB nominal coupling.
Hewlett Packard G752C
Directional Coupler..............$300
10 dB coupling.
Hewlett Packard G752D
Directional Coupler..............$300
20 dB size. Type UG149A flanges.
Hewlett Packard G910A
Termination ...........................$100
Low power size. UG149A input.
Hewlett Packard G914A
Moving Load..........................$150
UG149A input.
Junction Devices RIC11
3.95-5.85 GHz, WR187.
Narda 54C3
“G”Band Adapter .................$100
Similar to Narda 613A, older model
Waveline 374-10
Multihole Directional
Coupler ...................................$300
10 dB, UG-149A Flanges.
Waveline 374-20
Directional Coupler..............$350
3.95 to 5.85 GHz, 20 dB, UG149A/U.
Waveline 51284
Tapered Transition................$100
Waveguide Components ‘S’
Demornay-Bonardi L310
Waveguide/Coaxial Adapter....................$90
Hewlett Packard S281A
Waveguide/Coaxial Adapter..................$210
UG584/N(F). 1.25 VSWR.
Hewlett Packard S347A
Noise Source.............................................$350
Excess noise ratio of 15.2 ± 0.5 dB. 1.2 maximum
SWR. UG53/53 type flanges.
Hewlett Packard S375A
Variable Attenuator.................................$375
2 W max, 0-20 dB attenuation. UG53/53 type flanges.
Hewlett Packard S382B
Precision Attenuator ...............................$995
Direct-reading, 0-60 dB range. 0-90° in 0.10°
increments. UG584/584 type flanges.
Hewlett Packard S424A
Crystal Detector.......................................$245
Minimum low-level sensitivity is 0.4 mV/μW. Maximum
SWR is 1.35, maximum power is 100 mW. Equivalent
flange is UG-584/U.
Hewlett Packard S485A
Bolometer Mount ....................................$100
Type UG53/BNC(F) connectors.
Hewlett Packard S485D
Bolometer Mount ....................................$110
Type UG53/BNC(F) connectors.
Hewlett Packard S486A
Thermistor Mount ...................................$295
For Hewlett Packard 431 or 432 series meters.
Maximum SWR of 1.35, operating resistance of 100 ?.
UG53 input.
Hewlett Packard S752C
Directional Coupler.................................$550
10 dB nominal coupling with 40 dB
Hewlett Packard S752A
Directional Coupler.................................$550
3 dB nominal coupling with 40 dB directivity. UG53
Hewlett Packard S870A
Slide Screw Tuner ....................................$350
Matches loads, terminations, etc, to the characteristic
impedance of the transmission system. Covers 2.6 to
3.95 GHz range. Type UG53/53 flanges.
Narda 614A
Waveguide/COAX Adapter ....................$175
Scientific-Atlanta 11A2.6
UG53 TO N(F).
FXR WF0045
Dummy Load.........................$150
1 kW average, 710 kW peak power, UG344
Hewlett Packard 11543A
Waveguide Holder..................$30
Holds WR137 size waveguides. For use
with the HP 11540A waveguide stand.
Hewlett Packard J347A
Noise Source..........................$300
15.2 dB (ENR). Type UG344/344 flanges.
Hewlett Packard J370C
Attenuator .............................$125
10 dB size. Type UG344/344 flanges.
Hewlett Packard J370D
Attenuator .............................$125
20 dB size. Type UG344/344 flanges.
Hewlett Packard J375A
Flap Attenuator. ....................$150
0 to 20 dB attenuation. Type UG344/344
Hewlett Packard J382A
Precision Attenuator............$650
Direct-reading, rotary-vane type. 0 to
50 dB. Type UG441/441 flanges.
Hewlett Packard J424A
Detector Mount ....................$200
Hewlett Packard J485B
Tunable Detector Mount.....$110
Hewlett Packard J485D
Barreter Mount .....................$120
Hewlett Packard J486A
Thermistor Mount ................$350
For 431, 432 series. UG344 input.
Hewlett Packard J532A
Frequency Meter ..................$500
Direct-reading from 5.3 to 8.2 GHz.
Accuracy of 0.033%. Transmission type.
UG344/344 flanges.
Hewlett Packard J752C
Directional Coupler..............$400
10 dB size. Type UG344 flanges.
Hewlett Packard J752C/H15
Directional Coupler..............$400
Coupling is 10 dB over range of 5.3-
8.2 GHz. UG344 flanges.
Hewlett Packard J752D
Directional Coupler..............$400
20 dB size. Type UG344 flanges.
Hewlett Packard J910A
Termination ...........................$135
1 W size. UG344 input.
Hewlett Packard J914A
Moving Load..........................$250
UG344 input.
Hewlett Packard J920A
Adjustable Short...................$275
1?2 wavelength min. adjustment length, UG-
344 input.
Prodelin 191-69-1
Connector / Transition.........$150
Scientific Atlanta 30-5.8/4
Antenna Feed........................$195
5.8 to 8 GHz frequency range. UG344
Waveline 474-40
Directional Coupler. .............$300
40 dB; UG344 flanges.
Components ‘H’
Demornay-Bonardi dBH057
Waveguide/Coax Adapter .....$70
UG-51/N(F). (WR-112).
Demornay-Bonardi dBH310
Crystal Mount........................$100
Demornay-Bonardi dBH450
Low power.
FXR 610A68 Sidewall
Directional Coupler..............$300
8.5 to 9.6 GHz. Coupling of 30 dB.
UG138/138 to N(F).
Frequency Meter ..................$300
Direct reading from 7.05 to 10 GHz with
±0.08% accuracy. Reaction type. UG51/51.
FXR W501C Termination. ......$90
2 W. UG51 input.
Mismatched Termination ....$125
VSWR is 1.1, reflection coefficient of
0.048. UG51 input.
Directional Coupler. .............$325
10 dB coupling.
Directional Coupler. .............$325
20 dB coupling.
90° E-Plane Bend2 ..................$75
Radius of 2 inches. UG51/51 flanges.
90° H-Plane Bend....................$80
Radius of 21?2 inches. UG51/51 flanges.
Horn Antenna........................$150
Nominal gain of 18 dB. Length of 9.4
inches. Horn opening of 3.7 x 5.0 inches.
Type UG138/U flange.
Hewlett Packard H281A
Coaxial Adapter.......................$90
Hewlett Packard HX292A
Waveguide Transition ..........$100
UG51 to UG39 transition.
Hewlett Packard H347A
Noise Source..........................$300
15 dB (ENR).
Hewlett Packard H375A
Flap Attenuator.....................$200
2 W power dissipation. Variable attenuation
0 to 20 dB. Type UG51/51 flanges.
Hewlett Packard H382A
Precision Variable
Attenuator .............................$600
10 W power handling capability, 0 to 50 dB
attenuation. Accuracy is ± 2% of reading
or 0.1 dB, whichever is greater. UG51/51.
Hewlett Packard H424A
Detector Mount ....................$150
Frequency response is ± 0.2 dB. Low
level sensitivity is greater than 0.4 mV/μW.
Maximum SWR of 1.35, UG51/BNC(F).
Hewlett Packard H485B
Tunable Detector ....................$90
UG344/BNC(F), maximum SWR of 1.25.
Hewlett Packard H486A
Mount .....................................$300
For HP 431 and 432 series. This waveguide
unit covers 7.05 to 10 GHz.
Hewlett Packard H532A
Frequency Meter ..................$500
Direct-reading type, 7.05 to 10 GHz. Dial
accuracy is 0.040%, overall accuracy is
0.075%. Calibration increments of 2 MHz.
Type UG51/51 flanges.
Hewlett Packard H752C
Directional Coupler..............$350
10 dB. Type UG51 flanges.
Hewlett Packard H752D
Directional Coupler..............$350
20 dB.3.
Hewlett Packard H810B
Slotted Section......................$300
Type UG51/51 flanges.
Hewlett Packard H870A
Slide Screw Tuner .................$250
Type UG51/51 flanges.
Hewlett Packard H910A
Low power. UG51 input.
Hewlett Packard H914A
Moving Load..........................$150
UG51 input.
Melabs J7914
7.125 to 7.75 GHz range. 3-port tee type.
UG51 flanges.
Raytheon LXH100 High
Power Termination ...............$250
UG138 flange.
Royal Microwave Devices XL707
200 W average.
Waveline 508
Phase Shifter..........................$395
180° minimum phase shift; dial gauge
readout; UG51/51 flanges.
Waveline 532
90° E-Plane Bend.....................$55
Radius of 23?8 inches. UG52/52 flanges.
Waveline 532-1
90° “E” Plane Bend. .................$55
25?16 radius, UG52/52 flanges.
Waveline 532-2
90° “E” Plane Bend. .................$55
25?16 radius, UG51/51 flanges.
Waveline 533
90° H-Plane Bend....................$55
UG51/52B flanges; 25?8 inch radius.
Waveline 554
4 watts average; UG51 input.
Waveline 573-10
Directional Coupler..............$300
10 dB coupling, UG51 flanges.
Waveline 574-40
Directional Coupler..............$350
40 dB coupling.
Waveline 582 High Power
Termination. ..........................$150
UG138 flange.
Waveline 50018 Terminated
Crossguide Coupler. ...............$90
For use over H band. 17 dB, UG138
Waveline 50020
90° E-Plane Bend.....................$55
Radius of 2 inches. UG138/138 flanges.
Waveline 50021
90° H-Plane Bend....................$55
Radius of 2.5 inches. UG138/138 flanges.
Waveline 50024
H-Band Straight Section........$45
Length of 121?2 inches. UG137/138 flange.
Waveline S694C
WR-90/WR-112, UG-136/UG-137, 5” long.’
Airtron 19263D
Bulkhead Feedthru.................$45
UG135/136, with 31?2 inches diameter
mounting flange. Unit is 4” long.
Airtron 63730
Horn Antenna........................$130
WR90; choke.
Airtron 505262
Balanced Crystal Mixer........$245
UG39 (low input), UG40 (RF input), with
two BNC(F) takeoffs.
Airtron 890385
Waveguide Switch................$150
24 VDC.
Airtron AF3B090-15.50
Flex Section ...........................$100
Brass tubing, 151?2 inches long. Type
UG39/40B flanges.
Andrew 59220-68
Transition ...............................$110
X band flange to CMR90.
Bomac BES051
Waveguide Shutter.................$75
WR90 DC controlled.
Demornay-Bonardi dBG234
90° “H”Bend.............................$50
2.5 inch radius; UG39/39.
Tapered Transition..................$75
WR-90/WR-112, UG-39/UG-51, 3.75 inches
long. (WE-90).
Demornay-Bonardi dBG310
Detector Mount.......................$90
1N23 diode; UG39/BNC(F).
Demornay-Bonardi dBG313
Tunable Crystal Mount ........$125
Demornay-Bonardi dBG450
Low Power Termination.......$100
2 W, RG52 waveguide.
Demornay-Bonardi dBGH018
Tapered Transition................$110
UG51 to UG39; 3.75 inch length.
E&M Labs X627LI
WR90 8.2-12.4 GHz 20 dB isolation.
Calibrated Mismatch............$100
VSWR of 1.05.
Calibrated Mismatch............$100
VSWR of 1.1.
Calibrated Mismatch............$100
VSWR 1.2.
Waveguide Switch................$300
Four transfer ports, loss <.1 dB, isolation
>60 dB, type UG135/U flanges.
Hewlett Packard 11521A
Mixer .......................................$195
Frequency range of 8.2 to 12.4 GHz for
spectrum analyzer.
Hewlett Packard X281B
Coaxial Adapter ....................$155
Hewlett Packard X281C
Coaxial Adapter ....................$195
Hewlett Packard X347A
Noise Source..........................$300
15.7 dB (ENR).
Hewlett Packard X370C
10 dB, 1 W average, 1 kW peak.
Hewlett Packard X372C
Fixed Attenuator .....................$90
Precision type, 10 dB.
Hewlett Packard X372D
Fixed Attenuator .....................$90
Precision type, 20 dB.
Hewlett Packard X375A
Flap Attenuator.....................$200
0-25 dB attenuation.
Hewlett Packard X382A
Precision Attenuator............$450
Rotary Vane type, 0-50 dB continuously
Variable over 8.2-12.4 GHz frequency
range at 10 watts maximum.
Hewlett Packard X421A
Crystal Detector....................$125
Hewlett Packard X424A
Detector Mount ....................$210
Covers from 8.2 to 12.4 GHz. Frequency
response of ± 0.3 dB. SWR of 1.35. Type
UG135/U flanges.
Hewlett Packard X485B
Tunable Detector Mount.....$125
Hewlett Packard X486A
Thermistor Mount ................$300
Use with 431 or 432 meters.
Hewlett Packard X532B
Frequency Meter ..................$450
8.2 to 2.4 GHz range. Direct reading with
0.08% accuracy. UG39/39 flanges.
Hewlett Packard X750D
Crossguide Coupler..............$110
20 dB coupling factor.
Hewlett Packard X750E
Crossguide Coupler..............$110
30 dB coupling, UG39 flanges.
Hewlett Packard X752A
Directional Coupler..............$300
3 dB coupling factor. Minimum directivity
of 40 dB. Type UG135/U flanges.
Hewlett Packard X752C
Directional Coupler..............$300
10 dB coupling factor.
Hewlett Packard X752D
Directional Coupler..............$300
20 dB coupling factor.
Hewlett Packard X810B
Slotted Section......................$200
Designed for use with the 809C Carriage.
Covers from 8.20 to 12.4 GHz. SWR of
1.0. Type UG135/U flanges. Price for
X810B only.
Hewlett Packard X845A
Magic type.
Hewlett Packard X870A
Slide Screw Tuner .................$250
Hewlett Packard X8747A
Reflection Test Set..............$1500
Waveguide set up used in conjunction with
network analyzers.
Hewlett Packard X880A
Hewlett Packard X910A
UG39/U input.
Hewlett Packard X910B
Termination ...........................$110
Low-power unit. 1 W.
Hewlett Packard X914A
Moving Load..........................$160
1 watt average power. 1.01 maximum
Hewlett Packard X914B
Sliding Load...........................$200
UG39 input.
Hewlett Packard X920A
Moving Short.........................$200
Hewlett Packard X930A
Waveguide Switch................$300
Shorting type switch for 8.2 to 12.4 GHz.
SWR is less than 1.02 in open position and
greater than 1.25 in “short” position.
Micronetics 13018
SPDT Waveguide Switch .....$250
Solenoid Driven, WR90.
Narda 2X
Waveguide Clamp...................$50
Holds waveguides with diameter of 1 x 1?2
inches. Height of 315?32 inches; weighs
2 oz. VSWR factor of 1.1.
Narda 510
Tunable Detector Mount.....$100
UG39/BNC(F); knob adjustable.
Narda 730
Variable Attenuator .............$300
Parallel Vane type component. Attenuation
range of 40 dB. Max. VSWR of 1.15.
Power rating of 1 W average. Type
UG135/UG135 flanges.
Narda 730S
Variable Attenuator .............$200
0-20 dB range. Knob adjust with locking
detent. UG39/39.
Narda 950
Hybrid Tee ................................$85
Narda 1010
Crossguide Coupler..............$100
20 dB coupling.
Narda 1070-10
Directional Coupler..............$275
10 dB coupling. UG39 flanges.
Narda 1070-20
Directional Coupler..............$275
20 dB coupling, 40 dB directivity.
Polytechnic R & D 195B
Precision Gauge
Attenuator .............................$150
0-50 dB. UG-39/39.
Polytechnic R & D 402
Directional Coupler..............$295
20 dB coupling.
Polytechnic R & D 1203
Maximum insertion loss of 1 dB. 1 W
average, 2 kW peak; UG-39/39.
Polytechnic R & D 1402B
Calibrated Mismatch............$110
0.05 reflection coefficient.
Scientific-Atlanta 11A8.2
X/N Adapter .............................$75
UG39 to N(F).
Scientific-Atlanta 30-8
Antenna Feed........................$195
X-band antenna feed. Open-ended
circular waveguide. Rotates manually
into three positions.
Sector Motor Industries
SMX257M X Band Waveguide
Switch .....................................$195
(WR90), 4-port switch, 28 VDC operation
Sperry 379
Tunable Crystal Mixer..........$125
UG39/39 with UHF(F) takeoff.
Sperry 10291-1
Waveguide Adapter................$70
WR90 (X-band) waveguide adapter; type
“N”(F) connector.
Transco 33D01300
Waveguide Switch................$300
Three port, failsafe type switch. WR90
waveguide. Typical insertion loss of 0.2
dB. Maximum switching time of 100
mSec. Maximum VSWR of 1.10:1.
Minimum isolation of 60 dB. Type UG40B
Tucker 90FJ1B12
Jacketed Flex Section.............$95
12 inches long; UG39/39 flanges.
Tucker 90FJ1B12.5
Jacketed Flex Section.............$95
UG-39/39, 12.5 inches long.
Tucker 90FJ1B18
Flexible Section.......................$95
UG39 flanges; 18 inch length; jacketed.
Tucker 90FJ1B24
Jacketed Flex Section ..........$100
UG39/UG39 flanges. Length of 24”.
Tucker 90FJ1B8
Flex Section..............................$80
Jacketed, 8 inch length. UG39/39.
Tucker WR90-180
180° E-Bend..............................$50
2 inches center to center, UG-135/135.
Tucker WR90-36
X-Band Straight Section ........$90
Length of 36 inches. UG39/40 flanges.
Tucker WR90TW
90° Twist....................................$60
Waveline 610
Power Set Attenuator ..........$150
0-60 dB, UG-39/39.
Waveline 611
Variable Attenuator .............$150
Range of 0 to 30 dB. Direct reading dial
adjustment with locking device. UG-39/39
Reading Dial Attenuator .....$200
Attenuation range of 0 to 40 dB. Average
power rating of 1.0 W. UG39/U flanges.
Waveline 613 Shielded
Variable Attenuator .............$100
UG39/U, 0-20 dB, precision lead screw
with lock nut.
Waveline 615 Tunable
Detector Mount ....................$125
Covers from 8.20 to 12.4 GHz. UG-39/U
flange. BNC Jack output connector.
Recommended crystal (not supplied) is
Waveline 1N23 series.
Waveline 622 Precision
Variable Attenuator .............$400
UG-39/U; 0.5 to 60 dB attenuation range.
Waveline 622R
Variable Attenuator .............$400
0.5-60 dB, Direct reading, UG-39/39.
Waveline 650-12
Flexible Section.....................$100
12” long. UG39/U to UG40B/U flanges.
Twist-type, jacketed.
Waveline 650-6
Flexible Section.....................$100
6” long. UG39/U to UG40B/U flanges.
Waveline 654
Average power of 2 W. VSWR of 1.02.
UG39 input. 3.75” long.
Waveline 677E
Waveguide Switch................$350
SPDT3 type switch. Switching time of
100 msec. Switching current of 2.3 A.
Holding current of 0.45 A. Min. isolation of
70 dB. VSWR of 1.10. Flange equivalent
of UG135/U.
Waveline 694B
Tapered Transition..................$80
WR-90 to WR-112, UG-39/51, 5” long.
Waveline 694C
Tapered Transition..................$90
WR90 to WR112 5.125” Aluminum
Waveline 694D
Tapered Transition..................$90
WR90 TO WR112 5.125” Choke/Cover.
Waveline 695P1
Pressure Window....................$60
Designed for systems operating at temperatures
up to 125° C. Type UG39/U flange.
Waveline 7594A
Tapered Transition................$110
WR75 cover/UG39, 6” long.
Waveline 61623
Straight Section ......................$60
Length of 6”. Type UG39/U type flanges.
Has six heat-sinks, 2 x 2”, centered along
Waveline 90893 Dual
Directional Broadwall
Coupler ...................................$350
10 dB, 10-15 GHz, WR75.
Weinschel 936X
Noise Suppressor....................$95
Frequency range from 8.2 to 12.4 GHz.
Max. VSWR of 1.1. Max. insertion loss of
0.2 dB. Length of 13?4”; diameter of 15?8”.
Type UG39 flanges.
Components ‘M’
Antenna & Radome
Research AW1421
Directional Coupler..............$150
Four cover flanges.
Demornay-Bonardi dBFA610
‘E’ Plane Tee ...........................$125
Demornay-Bonardi dBFA675-10
Multihole Coupler ................$375
WR75 10 dB coupling.
Hewlett Packard M362A
Low Pass Filter.......................$500
Passband is 10 to 15.5 GHz, stopband is
19 to 47 GHz.
Hewlett Packard M375A
Variable Flap Attenuator.....$250
0-20 dB, Direct reading dial, cover flanges.
Hewlett Packard M424A
Crystal Detector....................$150
WR75 Cover/BNC(F).
Hewlett Packard M486A
Mount .....................................$300
Use with HP 431 or 432 series.
Waveguide unit covering 10 to 15 GHz.
10 mW max.
Hewlett Packard M532A
Frequency Meter ..................$900
Direct reading unit from 10-15 GHz.
Overall accuracy of 0.085%.
Hewlett Packard M810B
Waveguide Slotted
Frequency range is 10 to 15 GHz. Fits
0.850 x 0.475 inch waveguide. For use in
the HP 809C Carriage.
Systron Donner dBFA675-10
Directional Coupler..............$375
10 dB coupling, 10-15 GHz, WR-75 waveguide,
40 dB directivity.
Tucker 75AD1B10A
Waveguide/Coax Adapter...$100
WR-75 BR Cover/SMA(F).
Tucker 75BE1B0.5C
90° “E”Bend .............................$40
0.5” radius, 1.5” overall length. Cover to
Tucker 75BE3B1.0B
90° “E”Bend .............................$95
1” radius; 3.25” overall length.
Tucker 75BH3B1.25A
90° “H”Bend.............................$65
1.25” radius; 3.5” overall length.
Tucker 75CC1B10A
Waveguide Coupler..............$175
10 dB coupling. Cover/cover with N(F).
Tucker 75EU1B2.5
180° “H”Bend...........................$95
2.5” center to center spacing.
Tucker 75TR1B1
Type 70-004 flanges. Average power
rating of 1 W.
Tucker 75TT1B75/90
Tapered Transition................$125
Type 70-004/UG39/U flanges. 11?2” length.
Waveline 7510
Variable Attenuator .............$225
0.5-40 dB, Knob adj., WR-75 Cover/Cover.
Waveline 7522
Attenuator .............................$700
10 to 15 GHz frequency range; 0 to 60 dB.
WR75 waveguide type; rectangular cover
type flange.
Waveline 7570-30 Terminated
Cross Guide Coupler ............$150
30 dB, WR-75 Cover flanges.
Waveline 7582
Dummy Load.........................$250
50 W. Avg., 230 kW Peak, WR-75 Cover
flange input.
Waveline 7586
M Band Magic Tee ................$125
Insertion length of 4 x 2. Type 70-004
Components ‘P’
Demornay-Bonardi dBF224
90° E-Bend................................$50
2 inch radius, UG-419/419 (WR-62).
Demornay-Bonardi dBF675-10
Multihole Coupler ................$295
WR62 10 dB coupling.
Demornay-Bonardi dBF310
Detector Mount ....................$100
BNC connector.
Demornay-Bonardi dBF440A
Fixed Attenuator...................$115
Frequency range from 12.4 to 18.0 GHz.
Calibration frequency of 15.20 GHz with
accuracy of ± 0.3 dB. Avg. power rating of
1.0 W. VSWR of 1.20.
Demornay-Bonardi dBF440A20
Fixed Attenuator...................$115
20 dB. UG419/419.
Demornay-Bonardi dBF461
Termination ...........................$200
High power type.
Demornay-Bonardi dBF715-2
Frequency Meter ..................$300
Absorption type; average resolution of
5 MHz. 0.04% accuracy of reading; 1.5 dB.
Variable Attenuator .............$150
UG419/U; max attenuation of 20 dB. Max
VSWR of 1.15.
Frequency Meter ..................$300
Direct reading, reaction type unit. 0.1%
3 watts max, UG-419/U flange, 1.015 max
Dummy Load.........................$200
Power rating of 250 W average; 160 kW
peak. UG1665 input.
1.75 inch radius; UG419/419 cover/cover.
Hewlett Packard NP292A
18-22 GHz, WR51 to WR42.
Hewlett Packard P281C
Waveguide/Coax Adapter...$350
Hewlett Packard P424A
Crystal Detector....................$195
Hewlett Packard P281B
Waveguide/Coax Adapter...$175
UG419/U; SWR of 1.25. APC-7 connector.
Hewlett Packard P347A
Noise Source..........................$300
Hewlett Packard P362A
Low Pass Filter.......................$450
Passband is 12.4 to 18 GHz; Stop band is
23-54 GHz. Passband insertion loss is
1 dB. Stop band rejection is at least 40 dB.
Hewlett Packard P375A
Flap Attenuator.....................$225
0-20 dB attenuation.
Hewlett Packard P382A
Variable Attenuator..............$500
0 to 50 dB, direct reading, rotary Vane type.
(UG419 Flange).
Hewlett Packard P486A
Thermistor Mount ................$325
Hewlett Packard P532A
Frequency Meter ..................$450
Frequency range from 12.4 to 18.0 GHz.
Dial accuracy of 0.068%; overall accuracy of
0.10%. Minimum dip at resonance of 1 dB.
Type UG419/U flanges. Direct reading.
Hewlett Packard P752A
Directional Coupler..............$295
3 dB coupling factor. UG419/U flanges.
Hewlett Packard P752C
Directional Coupler..............$295
10 dB coupling, UG419/U flanges.
Hewlett Packard P752D
Directional Coupler..............$295
20 dB coupling, UG419/U flanges.
Hewlett Packard P810B
Slotted Section......................$275
For use over P(Ku) band. Used in type
809C carriage.
Hewlett Packard P870A
Slide Screw Tuner .................$295
Hewlett Packard P8747A
Reflection Test Set.............$1,500
Waveguide setup for measuring reflection
and transmission parameters of waveguide
devices with a network analyzer. UG419/U
Hewlett Packard P885A
Phase Shifter .........................$650
Precision unit with phase shift to ± 360°.
Hewlett Packard P910A
Termination ...........................$110
SWR of 1.01. 1 W power rating. Fixed
type unit.
Hewlett Packard P914A
Moving Load..........................$225
Maximum SWR is 1:01; half watt size.
Hewlett Packard P920B
Tunable Short ......................V295
Micrometer adjustable through at least half
a wavelength at the low end of the band.
Type UG1665 flange.
Hewlett Packard P932A
Harmonic Mixer ...................V300
Mixes signals from 12.4 to 18 GHz.
Provides 0.4 mV p-p output (with 0 dBm
MCS P126
E-Plane Bend............................$60
90°. Bend radius of 11?2 inches. Type
UG419/U flanges.
Microtech MCKC62-501N24B
Flex Section..............................$95
24 inch overall length.
Microwave Development Labs
62BE18-2H 90° E Bend ..........$50
Military AT157 Standard
Gain Horn Antenna ..............$150
16.5 dB Gain, Opening 17?8 x 21?4 inches,
37?16 inches long, UG-419 input.
Narda 299
Termination ...........................$150
1 W size.
Narda 319B
Dummy Load.........................$250
Frequency range from 12.4 to 18 GHz.
Power rating of 250 W average, 160 kW
peak. VSWR of 1.15. Type UG419 flange.
Omni-Spectra 2000-6255
Waveguide/Coax Adapter .....$95
Omni-Spectra 20187AJ
Waveguide/Coax Adapter .....$70
Omni-Spectra 2000-4010-00
Waveguide/Coax Adapter .....$70
Omni-Spectra 2000-4070-00
Rantec WKU200
Detector .................................$100
Scientific Atlanta 12-18
Tunable Crystal Mixer..........$175
BNC(F)/N(M)/WR62 cover flanges.
Scientific Atlanta M12
Mixer .......................................$200
Systron-Donner dBF450
Waveguide Termination ......$125
12.4-18 GHz (P band), 1 watt, RG91
Systron-Donner dBF675-10
Directional Coupler..............$350
10 dB coupling, 12.4-18 GHz, 40 dB
Transco 33D00100
Switch .....................................$200
Failsafe type switch. Frequency range
from 12.4 to 18.0 GHz. Insertion loss of
0.2 dB typical. Min. isolation of 40 dB.
Max. switching time of 100 msec.
Actuator Voltage of 28 VDC.
Four UG514A/U ports.
Transco 33D00200-10
Switch .....................................$225
DP Transfer, Actuator 24-30 VDC, Latching,
UG-541 flanges.
Tucker 62FJ1B12
Flex Section..............................$90
12 inch overall length; jacketed. Cover /
Tucker 62FJ2B24
Flex Section ...........................$100
Jacketed. 24 inch overall length. Cover /
Tucker 62FJ3A6
Jacketed Flex Section.............$80
UG1665/1666, 6 inches long.
Tucker 62FJ3A7.5
Jacketed Flex Section.............$80
UG-1665/1666, 7.5 inches long.
Tucker 62TW1B1.5
45° Twist....................................$60
UG419/419; 1.5 inches long.
Waveline 711
Variable Attenuator .............$150
30 dB, UG419/419, uses multi-turn dial.
Waveline 759
P Band “E/H”Tuner ...............$300
Micrometer adjustable. UG419 flange.
Waveline 761
Adjustable Short...................$150
Micrometer adjustable; UG419 input.
Waveline 769-20
Crossguide Coupler..............$120
20 dB coupling. UG419 flange.
Waveline 770-20
Crossguide Coupler..............$150
Coupling of 20 dB. Min. directivity of
20 dB approximately. Coupling sensitivity
of ± 1 .5 dB max. VSWR of 1.05 max.
Type UG419/UG419/UG419 flanges.
Waveline 770-40 Terminated
Crossguide Coupler..............$150
40 dB, UG-419 Flanges.
Waveline 774-20 Multihole
Directional Coupler..............$300
20 dB, UG-419 Flanges.
Waveline 774-3 Multihole
Directional Coupler..............$300
3 dB, UG-419 Flanges.
Waveline 774-40 Multihole
Directional Coupler..............$300
40 dB, UG-419 Flanges.
Waveline 70595 Multihole
Directional Coupler..............$300
30 dB, UG-419 Flanges.
Waveline 70596 Multihole
Directional Coupler..............$300
40 dB, UG-419 Flanges.
Components ‘K’
Airtron AF3B042-1600
16” WR42 Cover-Choke Flange.
Demornay-Bonardi dBE450
Termination ...........................$200
1 W. Avg., UG-595 input. (WR-42).
Demornay-Bonardi dBE675-10
Multihole Coupler ................$350
WR42 10 dB coupling.
Demornay-Bonardi dBE460
Termination ...........................$275
75 W average, 700 kW peak. UG595
Demornay-Bonardi dBE631
Crossguide Coupler..............$195
20 dB coupling; UG595 flanges.
Frequency Meter ..................$350
Direct Reading, Accy. ±0.10%. UG-
425/425 Flanges (WR-42).
Fixed Termination.................$125
1.5 W. Avg., UG-425 input, 4.5 in. long
Multihole Coupler ................$350
WR42 18-26.5 GHz 20 dB coupling.
FXR/Microlab K410AF
Frequency Meter ..................$500
Frequency range of 18 to 26.4 GHz; direct
reading. UG595/595.
Hewlett Packard 814B
Carriage ..................................$595
The 814B was designed for use with the
HP K815B (18-26.5 GHz) and R815B
(26.5-40 GHz) Waveguide Slotted Sections
and HP 446B Untuned Probe. The carriage
is equipped with a dial indicator for accurate
reading. Price for carriage only.
Hewlett Packard 11547A
Waveguide Clamp...................$80
Mounts in HP 11540A stand.
Hewlett Packard 11971K
Mixer ....................................$1,200
Used with spectrum analyzers for K band
Hewlett Packard K362A
Low Pass Filter.......................$450
Passband is 18-26.5 GHz, loss <1 dB,
rejection >40 dB, UG-595/U flanges.
Hewlett Packard K375A
Variable Attenuator .............$495
0-20 dB, UG595/595.
Hewlett Packard K422A
Waveguide Crystal
Detector .................................$350
Frequency range is 18 to 26.5 GHz with a
response of ± 2 dB. Maximum power of
100 mW.
Hewlett Packard K486A
Thermistor Mount ................$565
Covers 18 to 26.5 GHz range. Use with HP
431 or 432 series power meters.
Hewlett Packard K487B
Thermistor Mount ................$135
Hewlett Packard K487C
Thermistor Mount ................$145
Hewlett Packard K532A
Frequency Meter ..................$875
Covers from 18.0 to 26.5 GHz. Direct
reading; UG595/U flanges.
Hewlett Packard K752A
Directional Coupler..............$500
Nominal coupling of 3 dB. Minimum directivity
of 40 dB. Type UG595/U flanges.
Hewlett Packard K752D
Directional Coupler..............$500
Covers from 18.0 to 26.5 GHz. Nominal
coupling of 20 dB. Minimum directivity of
40 dB. UG595/U flange.
Hewlett Packard K815B
Slotted Section......................$595
Hewlett Packard K8747A
Test Set ................................$3,900
Setup for measuring transmission and reflection
parameters of equipment in “K” band
when used with an HP network analyzer.
Hewlett Packard K914B
Sliding Load...........................$495
Locking type for use over the K-Band.
Power rating of 0.5 W.
Hewlett Packard N362A
Low Pass Filter.......................$395
Pass band of 15 to 21 GHz. Stop band of
27 to 63 GHz. WR51 cover flanges.
31?32 inches long.
Hewlett Packard NK292A
Tapered Transition................$190
WR51/WR42. Cover/UG595.
Melabs RK10
WR42 Isolator ........................$150
Micromega 24997
Microwave Development Labs
Directional Coupler..............$275
Terminated crossguide coupler which covers
from 18.0 to 26.5 GHz. Coupling factor
of 20 dB. Type UG/596 flanges. Supplied
with mounting plate.
Polytechnic R & D 153A
Variable Attenuator .............$150
UG425/U flange, 0-35 dB.
Polytechnic R & D 321AF1
Adjustable Short...................$250
Micrometer adjustable; UG595/595.
Polytechnic R & D 1116
Tunable Load.........................$195
Cover input.
Polytechnic R & D 1132F1
Tunable Load.........................$250
Type UG595/U flange.
Polytechnic R & D K414-10F1
Directional Coupler..............$400
Equivalent waveguide type is RG-66/U.
Frequency range is 18 to 26.5 GHz.
Average coupling is 10 dB ± 0.4 dB.
Frequency sensitivity is ± 0.5 dB.
Minimum directivity is 40 dB. Flange type
is UG 595/U.
Polytechnic R & D K414-10FS1
Directional Coupler..............$400
10 dB coupling; UG597 flanges.
Systron-Donner dBE210
Straight Section .....................$95
18-26.5 GHz, RG53/U, 60” long.
Systron-Donner dBE675-10
Directional Coupler..............$400
10 dB coupling, 18-26.5 GHz, RG53/U, 40
dB directivity.
Tucker 42FJ1B18.0
Flex Section ...........................$175
Jacketed; cover/cover. 8 inch length.
Tucker 42SW1A4M
SP4T Waveguide Switch ......$475
Tucker 42TR1A0.5
Power rating of 0.5 W. UG597 input.
Tucker 42SS1B11.5
Straight Section ....................$150
UG595/595, Length: 111?2”.
Waveline 805
Variable Flap Attenuator.....$200
0-20 dB, UG595/595.
Waveline 833-2
90° “H”Bend.............................$90
1.25 inch radius; cover/cover.
Waveline 890
90° Twist .................................$120
Type UG595/UG596A flanges.
Waveline 898R
Frequency Meter ..................$250
UG596 Choke/choke.
Components ‘R’
Demornay-Bonardi dBD450
Termination ...........................$145
1 W. avg., UG-599 input, 4 inches long
Demornay-Bonardi dBD274
90° Twist....................................$95
UG599/599, 3 inches long.
Douglas Microwave P202THP
Dummy Load.........................$125
75 W. Avg., UG-599 input, 8 inches long
Flap Attenuator.....................$275
WR28 26.5-40 GHz 0-20 dB.
Frequency Meter ..................$675
Reaction type, 0.3% accuracy, 3000Q,
Hewlett Packard 11971A
Mixer .......................................$900
Used with spectrum analyzers for “R” band
Hewlett Packard R362A
LP Filter...................................$600
Bands: Pass 26.4 to 40 GHz; stop 47 to
120 GHz.
Hewlett Packard R422A
Crystal Detector. ...................$550
Frequency response of ± 2 dB. Low level
sensitivity of 0.3 mV/uW. SWR of 3.0.
Type UG599/U flange.
Hewlett Packard R486A
Thermistor Mount ................$475
Covers 26.5 - 40 GHz. Use with HP 431 or
432 series power meters.
Hewlett Packard R487B
Thermistor Mount ................$150
Hewlett Packard R532A
Frequency Meter...................$895
UG599/U; overall accuracy of 0.12%. Dial
accuracy of 0.083%. Minimum dip at resonance
of 1 dB.
Hewlett Packard R752A
Directional Coupler..............$600
3 dB coupling, 40 dB minimum directivity.
UG599 flanges.
Hewlett Packard R815B
Slotted Section......................$645
Covers from 26.5 to 40 GHz. Residual
SWR of 1.01. UG599/U flange. Length of
79?16 inches.
Hewlett Packard R870A
Slide Screw Tuner .................$295
Hewlett Packard R8486A
Power Sensor .....................$1,500
Sensor for measuring power in “R” band
when used with HP435 and 436 series
Hewlett Packard R8747A
Test Set ................................$5,000
Setup for measuring reflection and transmission
parameters of equipment in “R”
band when used with an HP network
Hewlett Packard R914B
Moving Load..........................$475
RG599 input.
Microtech MTPS28-501N3B
Flexible Waveguide. ...............$95
3 inch length. Twist-type. Type
UG600A/UG599 flanges.
Polytechnic R & D 3362
Flange Adapter........................$85
UG381 to UG599.
Polytechnic R & D 3363
Flange Adapter........................$55
UG381 to UG600.
Polytechnic R & D A414-10F1
Directional Coupler..............$495
10 dB coupling; UG599 flanges.
Systron-Donner dBD675-10
Directional Coupler..............$550
10 dB coupling, 26.5-40 GHz, RG96/U,
30 dB directivity.
Waveline 1032
RG96/U, 26-40 GHz, Choke/Cover.
Waveline 1059
Micrometer adjustable. UG599/599.
Waveline 1061 R
Adjustable Short...................$275
Micrometer adjustable. UG599/599.
Waveline 1074-6
Directional Coupler..............$465
Coupling Value of 6 dB. Coupling sensitivity
of ± 0.6 dB. Minimum directivity of
40 dB Main line VSWR of 1.10 maximum.
Type UG599/U flanges.
Components ‘MM’
Baytron 3B70/90
90° Twist Section.....................$65
Baytron 3B80/60
60° “H”Bend.............................$65
Baytron 3B80/E
90° “E” Plane Bend ..................$65
Baytron 3B80/H
90° “H” Plane Bend..................$65
Demornay-Bonardi dBW313
Crystal Mount........................$475
Movable Short WR8.
Demornay-Bonardi dBW450
Termination ...........................$110
WR8 0.5 Watts.
E & M Labs 590005
4-Port Circulator ...................$375
WR22. Requires circular flanges.
Flap Attenuator.....................$325
WR5 140-220 GHz.
E-H Tuner................................$695
WR5 140-220 GHz.
Standard Gain Horn .............$425
WR5 140-220 GHz 25 dB gain.
Flap Attenuator.....................$525
WR15 50-75 GHz 0-35 dB.
FXR M164AQ Precision Variable
Attenuator .............................$700
50-75 GHz range, 50 dB range. UG385/U
Tunable Detector Mount.....$425
WR15, BNC(f) output.
E-H Tuner................................$625
WR15 50-75 GHz.
Standard Gain Horn .............$415
WR15 50-75 GHz 24 dB gain.
Harmonic Generator ............$395
WR15 50-75 GHz 26.5-40 GHz input.
Hewlett Packard Q8486A
Millimeter Power Sensor...$1,695
Measures power in 33-50 GHz range when
used with HP435,436 series meters.
Hitachi F2101
3 dB Directional Coupler.....$595
Hitachi F3701
Hybrid Tee..............................$245
Hitachi F4201
90° “H” Plane Bend..................$75
Bend radius of 21?4 inches. Type 67-007
Hitachi F4301
90° “E” Plane Bend ..................$75
Bend radius of 21?4 inches. Type 67-007
Hitachi F4403
Waveguide Stand....................$15
Hitachi F4501
90° Twist....................................$75
Hitachi Q4201
90° “H” Plane Bend..................$65
Hitachi Q4301
90° “E” Plane Bend ..................$65
TRG Electronics B551
Frequency Meter ..................$800
A direct reading frequency meter covering
33-50 GHz range. Accuracy is 0.12%. The
dip at resonance is 0.5 to 1 dB. UG383
flange type.
424 N/A 32-Pin DIP 4-Pole Filters 413.41 Kb, 12 Pages.

424 Wickmann USA, Inc. Surface Mount Fuses 64.88 Kb, 2 Pages.

42400-1 Tyco Electronics FASTON Uninsulated Receptacles & Housings; .250 FAST REC IS 18-14 BR ( AMP ) 274.29 Kb, 1 Pages.

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42404-1 Tyco Electronics FASTON Uninsulated Receptacles & Housings; .250 FAST FLG REC 18-12 NIPST ( AMP ) 34.33 Kb, 1 Pages.

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42405 PICO Electronics, Inc. Inductor: Power: 20m: -5% to 10%: 10K: 0.1 156.62 Kb, 6 Pages.

42410-6264 Molex 424106264 33.26 Kb, 2 Pages.

42410-6312 Molex RJ-11 VERTICAL MODULAR JACK TOP ENTRY 6PINS WITH 4CONTACTS T.H LS=0.05 32.18 Kb, 2 Pages.

42410-8360 Molex 424108360 33.34 Kb, 2 Pages.

42410-8552 Molex 424108552 32.23 Kb, 2 Pages.

42415-1 Tyco Electronics FASTON Uninsulated Receptacles & Housings; .110 FAST REC 24-22 TPBR ( AMP ) 73.42 Kb, 3 Pages.

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42415-1 Tyco Electronics FASTON Uninsulated Receptacles & Housings; .110 FAST REC 24-22 TPBR ( AMP ) 55.26 Kb, 1 Pages.

42415-1 Tyco Electronics FASTON Uninsulated Receptacles & Housings; .110 FAST REC 24-22 TPBR ( AMP ) 841.42 Kb, 22 Pages.

42415-1 Tyco Electronics FASTON Uninsulated Receptacles & Housings; .110 FAST REC 24-22 TPBR ( AMP ) 737.04 Kb, 12 Pages. 4242-20 narda pdf

4241A-2 Apem Components Ltd Electromechanical Switch, Toggle Switches-Insulated Lever And Bushing 127.05 Kb, 2 Pages.

4242-01 Peregrine Semiconductor SPDT UltraCMOS RF Switch 274.6 Kb, 9 Pages.

4242-02 Peregrine Semiconductor SPDT UltraCMOS RF Switch 274.6 Kb, 9 Pages.

424204 ERNI Electronics Connector: Wire to Board Connector: F: 20: 2.54: WRE: THRU 461.55 Kb, 3 Pages.

424207 ERNI Electronics Connector: Wire to Board Connector: M: 20: 2.54: SOL: RATHRU 461.55 Kb, 3 Pages.


42425 PICO Electronics, Inc. Inductor: Power: 15m: -5% to 10%: 10K: 0.12 156.62 Kb, 6 Pages.

42425-4 Tyco Electronics Ring Tongue Terminal: 10-12: 17.01: 8.71 33.86 Kb, 1 Pages.

42425-5 Tyco Electronics Ring Tongue Terminal: 10-12: 17.01: 8.71: Tin 33.86 Kb, 1 Pages.

42428-2 Tyco Electronics Pins and Receptacles; 040 PIN REC IS 24-20 TPPHBZ ( AMP ) 1756.01 Kb, 76 Pages.

42428-2 Tyco Electronics Pins and Receptacles; 040 PIN REC IS 24-20 TPPHBZ ( AMP ) 51.64 Kb, 1 Pages.

42428-2 Tyco Electronics Pins and Receptacles; 040 PIN REC IS 24-20 TPPHBZ ( AMP ) 237.2 Kb, 1 Pages.

42428-2 Tyco Electronics Pins and Receptacles; 040 PIN REC IS 24-20 TPPHBZ ( AMP ) 71.99 Kb, 4 Pages.

42428-5 Tyco Electronics Pins and Receptacles; 040 PIN REC IS 24-20 TPPHBZ ( AMP ) 28.97 Kb, 1 Pages.

42428-5 Tyco Electronics Pins and Receptacles; 040 PIN REC IS 24-20 TPPHBZ ( AMP ) 71.99 Kb, 4 Pages.

42428-5 Tyco Electronics Pins and Receptacles; 040 PIN REC IS 24-20 TPPHBZ ( AMP ) 51.64 Kb, 1 Pages.

42428-5 Tyco Electronics Pins and Receptacles; 040 PIN REC IS 24-20 TPPHBZ ( AMP ) 1756.01 Kb, 76 Pages.

42428-5 Tyco Electronics Pins and Receptacles; 040 PIN REC IS 24-20 TPPHBZ ( AMP ) 237.2 Kb, 1 Pages.

42428-8 Tyco Electronics Pins and Receptacles; 040 PIN REC IS 24-20 SPPHBZ ( AMP ) 1756.01 Kb, 76 Pages.

42428-8 Tyco Electronics Pins and Receptacles; 040 PIN REC IS 24-20 SPPHBZ ( AMP ) 71.99 Kb, 4 Pages.

42428-8 Tyco Electronics Pins and Receptacles; 040 PIN REC IS 24-20 SPPHBZ ( AMP ) 51.64 Kb, 1 Pages.

42428-8 Tyco Electronics Pins and Receptacles; 040 PIN REC IS 24-20 SPPHBZ ( AMP ) 28.97 Kb, 1 Pages.

42428-8 Tyco Electronics Pins and Receptacles; 040 PIN REC IS 24-20 SPPHBZ ( AMP ) 237.2 Kb, 1 Pages.

42429-2 Tyco
SA 12 – 1,7 NA CPQD018118
B Posicionador de polariza??o SA56063-2 416 CPQD018244
C Transi??o guia/cabo SMA (f) / N (m) NA NA
D Cabos para as antenas Tx e Rx HP 85381
HP 85381
Storm A9031806044
Storm A9031806044
Storm FSCM57500-001
E Acoplador direcional / Power
Narda 4227-16
Narda 4242-20
Power Splitter HP11667B
F Amplificador de sinal HP 8349B
HP 8349B
HP 8349B
G Atenuador variável HP 8495D 3308A01212 CPQD018240
H Mixers / “Test Set” RHG DMS1-26A
Test Set HP8511A
I Sistema de transmiss?o HP8340B 2819A01228 CPQD018237
J Controlador Computador padr?o IBM - CPQD020928
K Impressora NA NA NA
L Sistema de controle dos
posicionadores SA2012 00003559 CPQD018281
M Sistema tra?ador gráfico SA1580 4825BI CPQD018288
N Sistema de recep??o HP8510B 2844A04641 CPQD018277
O Posicionador da AST SA53150 242 CPQD18246
P Transi??o guia/cabo SMA (f) / N (m) NA NA
Q Camara anecóica RANTEC 65393 NA
R Isoladores CMC L620i
CMC L620i
CMC L620i
CMC L620i
4242-20 narda pdf

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